She sometimes looks in the mirror, and can smile at her reflection, and other days she can stare for hours in discust.

Music is her life litterally. She can listen to a play list for days on end, and know every word to every song. And then some days she can listen to any kind of music all the way through and never change the track. And yet other days she can sit in silence and listen to nothing at all.

She WILL request a pinky promise upon EVERY agreement,  And she is ALWAYS going to keep her end of the deal.

Baggy sweatpants and messy buns are her trademark, as well as her smile that lights up the room.

She's a completely different person around her friends, but to be honest you love her personality even if she's angry at you for the stupidest things.

She's complicated. But she's not like the rest. Never let her go......

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