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To be 100% honust I want to fall asleep to the smell of your sweatshit,

I want watch the scariest movies with you and have you hold me tight and laugh at my fail attempt to act brave,

I want you to sneek me out of the house late at night and lay in a field and watch the stars, and never be caught,

I want you to teach me how to play your favorite video game and have a a lazy day with junkfood and pop,

I want to make you watch a sappy chick flick and while I'm tearing up clutching a box of tissues I want you to be there with moral support for idiotic hormonal girl emotions,

I want us to have cliche moments but also do things on impulse and never regret,

Really... I'm already hopelessly in love with you... But... Guess what?

We dont talk anymore, everythings akward, you like my back stabbing bestfriend, your too good for me....

I dream about you a lot. But I bet you 100$ that you've never had a dream about me.

You said you liked my body just the way it was. But do you just want to get in my pants?

When we played 20 questions I can remember that your favorite color is green, you love soccer, and your favorite band is Bring Me To The Horizon. I can remember that you've dated 10+ girls. I can remember it all. But I can bet you only remember my eye color because of my contact picture.

I deleted your number... But saved it in my notes so if I ever needed it I would have it. Pathetic I know.

I can remeber at summer camp how I used to like you. We had help hands once or twice while we where in a circle playing a game.

I remember at camp how you were really good at volleyball and ultimate frizbee.

Haha I remeber how you stole my boyfriends phone (now Ex) and texted me off it.

I remember more about you than your friends probably. But yet...... We are not meant to be.....

So my quetion is what do I do? I've fallen so utterly in love with this guy.

What do I do!

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