Jessi's free write

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I'm Jess,

Aka Author-sama.

This is my first authors note.


So, I WAS gonna post a chapter called Jack Gets Swagified. WAS.

I can't find it on my note pad, meaning that it has been erased, and I have to rewrite it tonight.


Also, I apologize if none of the chapters seen revised, I only have time to write from 10 pm to midnight, while I am LITERALLY falling asleep.

If you have any ideas, comment. PLZ. I am currently working on a series of school chapters. And now that I'm done, I HAVE A MAJOR WRITERS BLOCK.

Tune in every two weeks for another 5 chapters.

Love y'all

See y'all

Bye y'all


Ps: an "authors note", aka Jessi's Free Time, will be posted every 10 chapters.

Pps: I'll just Skip the deleted chapter for now, but look forward to it later on!

Ppps: let's give a round of applause for Sage_Cullen, cuz she's a boss, and without her, this Fanfic wouldn't have crossed my mind.

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