...and that new ghost character who makes his debut.....

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We went to our lockers the next say, not noticing that Jeff had dissapeared from the group.

So, when we saw him chillin with a dead guy, we were extremely dumbfounded.

Dee-Dee: Joe! -runs up to hug Jeff- we missed you soooooooo much!

Jack: he was gone?

Dee-Dee: -death glares at Jack, sparkly purple aura appears around her- nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan.......

Jack: I mean, oh God Jeff, how we missed you so!

Jeff: I sense sarcasm. Now, Dee-Dee! Get off!

Dee-Dee: nevarz! -hugs Jeff tighter-

Morty: she your girlfriend?

Jeff: uh-

Dee-Dee: well..... -looks up at Morty- I am a girl.... And he is my friend........

Jeff: oh God.... -tries to facepalm-

Morty: wow. And from what I remember, you were an ugly little fucker.

Jane: -runs up and hugs Morty, though she's basically hugging air- finally!

Morty:...... Who is she.

Dee-Dee: -lets go of Jeff- that's Janie. She wants to kill Jeff.

Jane: no. Don't call me Janie. -lets go of "Morty"-

Morty: Jane, hmm? -shakes her hand- my name is Mortimer, Mortimer Patterson.

Me: wait, wut? -approaches Morty- that's too long of a name.

Morty: and that's why you'll call me Morty, dibshit.

Me: oh, I'M the dibshit?! May I remind you who got his sorry ass killed by the same dude whom I almost beat the shit out of, and turned into a unicorn?

Morty: how did you-

Me: know about the 2006 Maplewood High Massacre? Yeah, we had to use the old news papers in the library to do a research paper in Ms.Miller's class. You were one of the victims. Plus, Jeff was bragging about it in his sleep the other night.

Jeff: huh?! I do that?

Pinkamena: it can be heard from the attic. Thanks to you, I'm forming bags under my eyes. I'M TOO FUCKING YOUNG TO HAVE BAGS UNDER MY EYES!

BEN: calm it, Pinkie. If you want, you can borrow my gaming headphones.

Pinkamena: do they keep noise out?

BEN: swear to God, I go deaf whenever I put them on. They might be a bit uncomfortable, though.

Pinkamena: I'd go with anything, at this point.

Masky: so, why are you dead?

Morty: I though your girlfriend over there went over this, Cullen. Joker boy, over here, stabbed me in both my lungs as I was escaping the chaos.

Me: wut.

Masky: my what?! Cullen?! Listen here, you little shit, that stubborn ditz of a redhead IS NOT my girlfriend. And my name, at least, in this school, is Timothy "Masky" mothafuckin Woodruff. NOT CULLEN.

Me: and I didn't explain the fact that you got stabbed in the lungs by a gay man.

Jeff: I'M NOT GAY.

Me: get a haircut, then, hippie.

Morty: well, pigtails, you brought it up, you should know what I'm talking about. Speaking of your pet name, what's with the hair? You looked like some anime character.

Me: well, according to author-sama's book cover, I AM, in a away, an anime character. And, really, all I said was that your name was too goddamn long!

Morty: well, excuse me, princess!

BEN: hey! I'm the Link cosplayer around here!

Me: since when am I Gabriela?!

Morty: I don't know who that bitch is! Don't ask me, dumbass!

Jane: I thought you were cool, until you started arguing blindly and flinging curse words everywhere in a failed attempt to make your reasons valid.

Morty: shut up, emo wannabe!


Dee-Dee: huh? -"pokes" Morty- uh....... Is that my wallet in your pocket?

Morty: uh......

Me: -looks at his jacket pocket- dude, I see my wallet there, too.

Morty: ugh. Those are yours'? Damn. Shoulda hidden them somewhere in Joker How's locker....

Jeff: huh?!

Jack: wut.

Masky and Hoodie: since when do you have access to Jeff's locker?

Morty: it used to be MINE, dumbasses.

Jack: how the hell were THEY supposed to know?!

Morty: duh, all smart people know things like that.

Jeff: wait..... So if I open it.......

Morty: I'll get sucked in.

Me: dude. Open it. He's a bitch.


Me: bitch.


Me: I just did. Trololololololololololololololol.

Jack: there she goes again.....

Jane: just like she did at Walmart.......

Masky and Hoodie: hue hue hue hue hue hue....... This gon be good....... -both get out their video cameras-

Morty: -eyes start to glow- you little....

The warning bell rang. We walked to Ms.Miller's room, as Morty spat out curses, ranting about me calling him a bitch like Pat Robertson would rant about religion.

As we walked to her class, I decided to ask Jeff something.

Me: yo, Jeff. How did  you and Morty start to get along? Aren't you his killer?

Dee-Dee: he probably wanted to be friends with Joe cuz he's so nice.

Jane: or he did it out of pity.

Masky and Hoodie: maybe he bribed Morty.

Jack: I think it was because they have mutual lockers.

Pinkamena: or he showed Morty to Ms.Abalos's secret candy stash. It's in her desk, the bottom-left drawer.

BEN: or, maybe Jeff asked him for a pencil.

Everyone: huh?

BEN: it's a psychological fact. The more you ask someone for a pencil, the more they'll like you. I did that with a jock in math. He doesn't pick on me anymore. Google it, if you want.

Jeff: eh, no. None of those, actually.

Me and Dee-Dee: then what DID happen?

Jeff: well.....

He told us what happened.

Yup, another cliffhanger.

You're welcome.

I'll get to this in the next chapter.

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