The melancholy of the missing cupcakes

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I took the tray out of the fridge, my hands were trembling. I had spent the entire morning (after the incident with the doujinshis) making these! Sure, I was gonna pig out and eat a few, but I WAS going to save some! I swear!

Pinkamena: I'm guessing that was the tray that held the cupcakes? -points at the tray-

Me: -drops tray- ya don't fahking say?!

Pinkamena: well. Someone must be on their period.

Me: don't start with me.

BEN: I say we hunt down the sick bastard who ate the cupcakes.

Mikki: I though you didn't eat.

BEN: and? I just want to find an excuse to shock someone. -summons a spark of electricity- like a Pikachu.

Me: you can do that?

BEN: -shrugs- sometimes.

Jeff: -having a temper tantrum on the kitchen floor- NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU MAH CUPCAKES!!!!!!!!!

Mikki: wow.

BEN: -shocks Jeff- you greedy bastard, they're for all of us!

Jeff: -sobbing- b-but, I wanted a cupcake, a-and, someone ate them, a-and -flails arms- NOW THEY'RE GONE! THAT MONSTER!

Dee-Dee: -trying to console Jeff- don't worry, Joe! I'm sure Merlyn will bake some more, they'll be yummier than the last batch!

Jeff: -sniff- really?

Dee-Dee: yesh! -makes a creepy Russia smile, dark aura appears around her- and when we find the meanie who took those cupcakes and made you cry, I will get my hammer and -starts nyaning in a creepy manner-

Me: -hands her a bag of instant Starbucks brand coffee the way they hands people Snickers bars in commercials- you're not you when you're hungry.

Dee-Dee:-back to normal- Yayz! Coffee! -takes the bag-

Jeff: wut.......

Mikki: she can eat that?

Me, Masky, Hoodie, BEN, and Jeff: she can eat ANYTHING.

Mikki: wow.

Me: so, how bout we go interview everyone.

Mikki: kay, let's list the suspects. -takes out an Attack on Titan notebook and a Card Captor Sakura pen-

Me: otaku?

Mikki: yes.

Me: you, my good lady, are awesomer than ze awesome Prussia.

Mikki: and you are awesomer than Haruhi Suzumiya.

Me: I have that effect on people.

Jeff: the suspect?

Mikki: oh, yeah. Masky, Hoodie, Merlyn, Dee-Dee, and you don't count. Since you guys were gone. Slendy was too delusional to eat them.  BEN was out with Pinkamena until......

BEN: about three minutes before you guys arrived.

Pinkamena: yup.

Mikki: ok, wait, how did you make 250 chocolate cupcakes in three minutes?

Pinkamena: I dunno much about hetalia, but how did China build a Chinatown in a UFO in less than five seconds?

Mikki: plus, this is a fan fiction, so........ Ok, the suspects are Sally, Jane, and.......

Me: Smile Dog, since I saw him enter the kitchen this morning before the TV marathon.

Masky and Hoodie: we saw our dear nigga, Jack, go to the kitchen for some swag food.

Jeff: we have swag food? Since when?

Masky: I

Hoodie: dunno

Masky and Hoodie: ask Slendy.

Mikki: ok..... So Smile Dog, and Eyeless Jack, right?

Pinkamena: don't forget Sally and Jane.

Me: how can someone pig out on so many cupcakes?

Pinkamena: they ate 250, I don't think 25 more will make much of a difference.

Me: hmm.......

Jeff: I guess we can interview everyone to see where they were while we were gone. It could be like one of those detective shows on TV.

BEN: we can also search for clues.

Mikki: ok, let's go.

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