Who is She?

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Camila POV

"Mija it's time to get up to go school" my mom said in a soft tone while shaking me.

All I did was grumble in response. I rolled over to the other side of the bed, thinking that she would just walk out and let me get the rest of my beauty sleep.

"I'm serious Mija get up its your first day at the new school and you know that first impressions are everything" she said a little bit more serious.

That's when I knew I had to get up before she pours some cold ass water on me.

"Ok fine I'm up I'm up" I said in a groggy voice as I sit up.

"Good get up you don't want to be late, I'll go make you some breakfast" she said kissing my forehead.

"Ok thanks mama" I said smiling

I swing both of my feet over the side of my bed as I rub my eyes, and pop my jaw.
After contemplating wether to get up or not I finally saunter of to the bathroom that is connected to my room.

Once I get in the bathroom I turn on the light and look in the mirror.

"Wow I don't look so bad"

I say to myself as I pick up my toothbrush and toothpaste. I smear some of the blue and white swirl onto the soft bristles and I start to brush my teeth. As I start brushing my teeth thoughts of my old school flood into my head.

"Trigger Warning"

You know that one person that always has to fuck up your one chance of being happy yeah no it wasn't just one person it was everyone. Everyone in my high school for Junior year found out about my condition and started to bully and tease me about it 24/7 and that's when I started to get beat up, shoved into lockers. People started to call me names like like freak, she/man, etc. It was a hard time for me, but now I'm going to a new school for senior year and I have absolutely no clue how to feel about it. It scares me to think that this school can be the exact same way as my old school.

"Trigger Finished"

I rinse out my mouth leaving a minty taste in my tongue. I then head over to my closet open the door and look for something to wear.

"What should I wear for the first day?" I say to myself. Everyone knows that the first day you have to dress semi presentable. So I put on my boxers and a new bra while I look for something to wear. After what felt like 20 minutes I finally pick out an outfit and I decided to go with some white joggers, a black pocket t-shirt, and for the shoes I throw on my Black Adidas Original ZX Flux's.

Once I'm all dressed I grab my book bag that's sitting next to my door and I head downstairs. As I reach the last step I see my mom in the distance flipping a pancake. I also see my little sister Sofi sitting at the table with my dad and I start to frown.

That man is far from a father figure he is just another bully. He treats me like I'm not even his daughter and he consistently hurts my feelings. He acts like its my fault that I am born a condition. Sometimes I wish they would have just worn a condom.

I put my thoughts to the side as I walk past the two people at the table and over to my mama and put my hands around her waist and I saw her cheeks move up indicating that she was smiling at my gesture. I watch her flip a pancake then she whispers something to me.

"Go say GoodMorning" she whispers to me. All I do is nod in response, as I remove my arms from around my mothers waist. I start to walk over to the table where I see my my little sister sitting  with my "so called father".

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