Please Stop

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⚠️MINOR TRIGGER ⚠️ (not asking for consent, doing without permission)

Lauren's POV

I get woken up by the sound of a blaring alarm. I hurriedly grab my phone and press snooze before slowly sitting up. I sit up with my my back facing the window and I scratch my head before getting up.

I make my way to my bathroom and I strip off my clothes and I hop in the shower. As I'm stepping out of the shower I hear my phone ding so I dry my hands and pick it up too read the message.


Today's a new day. Keep your ""Girlfriend"" away from Camila. I don't like too see INNOCENT people get hurt for no reason.😒

"I didn't mean to cause her harm" I whisper sadly too myself, knowing that no one else can hear me. I soon reply to her text with shaky hands.


I can't control her Dinah


Then why the fuck does she get to control you Lauren? You make no fucking sense. You know what see you in school.

"Good job Lauren" I say before picking up my makeup bag and applying so much that I can't move my face. I apply so much  because darks circles mean dark holes and those are something that I don't want people too see I've fallen into. (I'm Tumblr I know 💁🏽)

I walk out of my bathroom naked and make my way too my closet. I just now notice I put on my makeup before I got ready. I mutter out a small 'What the fuck is wrong with me' before I think as too what I should wear. I finally decide on my the 1975, some grey skinny jeans, and some ankle boots. I brush my teeth and grab my phone before I head downstairs. I see my brother in the kitchen on his phone. He smiles at me and I speak to him.

"Antisocial are we" I say with a smirk.

"At least I don't go off of popularity Lauren" he says not liking what I said too him.

"Woah chill Chris" Taylor says now walking down the stairs, after overhearing what he said.

"What it's the truth, and you can't even deny it Taylor. Tell me that yesterday you didn't hear the most popular girls in school yelling in the living room?" He says with a angered expression on his face.

All Taylor did was keep silent and mumble a quiet 'Sorry Lauren' before making her way too the fridge with her head down.

"Exactly my point" he said getting up and making his way too the door. Once he has his hand on the handle he turns towards the two of us.

"You know Lauren if you want to be popular you should just be a porn star, not like everyone doesn't already hear you moan and scream every night anyway." He says making my eyes widen.

"I'm your ride where are you going" I call out shakily.

"Taking the bus" he says walking out of the door with his back pack on his shoulders.

"What the hell is wrong with him?" I question softly but my sister still heard me.

"His girlfriend broke up with him because he wasn't 'popular' enough" Taylor says and I felt like an asshole.

"I didn't know" I say softly

"Think before you speak Lauren, you know he has little too no friends after what happened" Taylor says motioning for me too go through the open front door before we're late.

I make my way too Taylor's school too drop her off. Once we get there she hops out and says she loves me and I return her words before heading to school.

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