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Lauren continues to moan as Camila plays with her nipple. She's missed the feeling of actually having feelings for someone she wants to be intimate with. Keana only wants Lauren for her body, but Lauren feels as though Camila may be different. She just hopes her trust issues won't get in the way.

"Am I d-doing it right" Camila asks suddenly breaking Lauren out of her thoughts.

"Yes baby, can I touch you?" She asks timidly, shy, all of a sudden.

"I-I've never done this before."

"I won't hurt you, we don't have to if you don't want to. Just a suggestion" Lauren says feeling embarrassed that she even spoke out on it.

"Yeah we can try" Camila states, she doesn't want to stay a Virgin forever. Plus Lauren is super beautiful, so why not?

Lauren swiftly puts her head into Camila's neck and starts to dot kiss there. Until she starts to kiss it like she would her mouth. Out of shock at the new feeling Camila moans loudly as Lauren starts to suck on her sensitive neck.

"Can I take your shirt off?" Lauren suddenly pulls away and asks, as Camila can't seem to get air in her lungs.

"Yeah s-sure" Still with the stuttering, but she has a good excuse, SHE CANT BREATHE. I mean who would be able to if Lauren Jauregui was sucking on your neck?

Lauren's soft hands move up her shirt and start to rub her abs, until she slides it over her head. Once the shirt is off she admires the shirtless girl beneath her.

"You're so sexy" Lauren says, and Camila can feel her pants squeezing her.

Lauren moves down and licks up her abs. Thinking she could get used to this.

Camila is twitching so much, and Lauren is being gentle and caring with her. Which is only turns her on more. Camila isn't even paying attention when Lauren slips her hands into her pants and starts to softly stroke her.

Camila moans louder than before, and Lauren giggles. She loves her innocence, honored that Camila trusts her enough to let her be the first person to touch her.

By now the skilled one of the two is on her knees on the floor between Camila's legs who is sitting at the edge of the bed.

Camila feels a little shy to be completely exposed, and standing proud and tall. Lauren looks at the newfound part of Camila in adoration, not expecting it to be as big as it is.

Once she licks the complete length all of a sudden, Camila falls back and grips the sheets. She has to prepare for what's next. She just hopes she can last long enough, because this is a feeling she wants to feel. All. The. Time.

Lauren starts to kiss the tip as though it's a mouth. She then starts to throat the length as though it's not nine inches. She takes it all the way down, as Camila tries not to pass out from the amazing pleasure she's receiving. Lauren continues to do her thing, as she places Camila's hand on top of her hand, wanting her to guide her movements.

She pushes Lauren's head down, softly as if she's not trying to force her. Lauren does as instructed and swallows causing Camila to fall backwards again. Deciding to take it easy on the girl, she pulls away and starts to stroke her length until she comes. It's only been two minutes, but she gets that it's her first time being touched, at all. Before Lauren can think she hears an animalistic moan, and quickly moves down to swallow whatever Camila gives her. Once she's sure Camila is done, she swallows. It tastes as if she bit into a mango. That's when Lauren realizes she's happy she asked Camila if she could touch her.

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