All Alone

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After the girl walked away I was left All Alone in the middle of an intersecting hallway.

I looked around and saw people going into their classes. I noticed I was going to be late so I finally stopped thinking about the previous events of the day and looked at my schedule. I see the name Lovato Room 304 and I start to walk down the hallway looking for the room. I finally walk what feels like 20 blocks but soon enough I'm at the front of a classroom that's has the number 304.

I look at the door afraid to go in. I look through the small glass window that's on the door and I see teenagers on their phones or either talking and other kids on their phones, because the bell hasn't rung yet. I suck it up and I put my hand on the handle and I open the tall oak door.

As I'm opening the door it makes a loud creaking noise as I open it, which causes all attention to be on me. Everyones heads shoot up from what they're doing except for two people in the corner of the room. I try to see what they're doing and I notice they're making out, and I mean hardcore making out. I try to make out the two people and I notice one of them has black hair and the other is a light brown kind of color. But I finally see numbers and words on the shirt or the black haired girl. I make out the words The 1975. I start to think about it and I notice that.

It's Lauren.

I look down sadly trying to forget about what I just saw.

"I knew I didn't have a chance"I say quietly to myself. "Not like I was going to get her anyway" I say to myself in my head.

I break out of my moment to notice I'm still being looked at, but I don't do anything about I just stand there looking at the students that are eyeing me. But from the corner of my eye I see the dark skinned girl from earlier looking me in my face so I turn my head slightly to meet her gaze. When I meet her eyes she smiles and waves at me, so I lift my hand shyly and wave back and she motions for me to take the seat next to her.

I make my way over to the girl and I sit down hesitantly, everyone's eyes are still on me. My head remains down until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey you ok?"the girl next to me asked softly.

"Um yeah I guess..."I say while bouncing my leg up and down anxiously.

"Your shaking" she says putting her hand on my bouncing knee.

Out of habit I flinch very dramatically. I look up out of embarrassment to see that she had a confused look on her face.

"Why are you so nervous" she says softly while giving me a cute smile. I don't have a chance to answer because the oak door is opening, which causes a loud noise to flood through the room. I put my head down but I can hear the door shut and footsteps coming towards me.

"Um excuse me" a loud voice said in front of me.

"Y-yes" I say lifting my head up to look at the tall blonde form earlier.

"You know your in my seat right?"she asked with her hands now on her hips.

"Dinah" the girl next to me scolded.

"What she's in my seat" the Polynesian girl said with a smirk on her face.

"I-I'm sorry I'll move" I say about to get up. But I'm stopped by a hand on my wrist.

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