Finally Pt. 2

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Lauren's POV

"Are you ready?" I ask out basically touching her lips.

"Yes" she whispers out in reply not stuttering for once.

"Well then lets go inside" I say with a cheery voice and she sits there shocked as I get out of the car and made my way to the front door.

I turn around to see Camila fixing something and I can tell that it's her not so small buddy. She looks up with an embarrassed expression once she saw me looking at her. I just smirk and motion for her to come to me.

She gets out of the car hesitantly as she walks awkwardly towards me. She looks at me and smiles before it turns into a slight frown. I look at her as her eyes widen. I want to question her but she beats me too it.

"Did you see Sofi? Where is Sofi? Is she o-"

"Baby calm down she was asleep on the chair next to your mothers bed, did you not see her...?" I ask with a slight giggle at her cute expression.

"O-oh n-n-no I didn't, thanks for telling me" Camila says looking down embarrassed at her sudden outburst.

"So fucking cute." I mumble but I think she heard me because she ducks her head, and starts to blush.

We look at my front door nervous for what's to come. I look at Camila and shes looking down patiently waiting for me to open my front door. I then woman up and pull my keys out of my pocket, to unlock the door. Once I hear that loud click I swing the door open, and let the brunette haired beauty walk in first.

"Your house is beautiful Lauren" she whispers out into the darkness with surprisingly no stutter.

"Thanks babe" I reply not even realizing I called her a pet name.

"You really like calling me names don't you? It's starting to get offensive, because I'm not a pet you know." She says with a slight giggle.

"N-no I'll stop I-if you want, I-I'm sorry..." I trail off, 'fuck who's the one stuttering now?' I think to myself.

"I was just joking with you" she says back with my new favorite sound trailing not to far behind.

After the room goes silent I see her hand trail against the table holding all of my family picture and portraits. I rush to her as quick as I can so that she can't see the embarrassing pictures that are sitting there on display. I grab her wrist softly and she jerks her hand back, at the sudden touch.

"I'm sorry, these are just really embarrassing pictures of me..."

"It's okay, I'm just not good with sudden touch." She says nervously.

"Let's head upstairs shall we?" I say trying to break the nerves rising in the room.
She just stays quiet with her head hung low. Why do I always have to fuck things up?

Camila's POV

As we started making our way upstairs I noticed how much of a loser I really am. She literally touched my hand, and I jumped. I'm such a disappointment it's unbelievable. I was too caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even realize that we made it to the top of the stairs. She turned to look at me with those beautiful eyes.

"Are you okay Camila?" She said stroking my cheek. I was very surprised when I didn't flinch.

I leaned into her touch, nodding my head. I leaned farther into her body enjoying the feeling of my skin burning from her touch. My eyes closed loving the new amazing feeling she was giving me. I felt her run her finger across my bottom lip. That's when I started to open my eyes to see her looking at me. She looked at me with that adoring look and smile. She caught me staring and started the bite her lip. Lauren moved her other hand, to take mine and guide me into her room.

Once we were in her room she guided me to the edge of the bed. She pushed my shoulders trying to tell me to sit, so I did. She looked down at me with those green pools, with so much love and care swirling in them. I looked at her with a shy smile waiting for her next move.

"I know I crossed the limit a few days ago with the incident that happened between us in he bathroom. I am so sorry for that, I truly am Camila. I'm not asking for your forgiveness, I'm just saying that-" no more words were said because I built enough courage to stop being a pussy and finally kiss her.

OK FUCKING HI, It has been really long. I just want to thank you guys for everything. I love you all so fucking much. You have no idea how happy you guys make me, with your comments and your cute messages and shit. If you ever need anyone I'm here, even if it is DM'ing me. My instagram is jaureguisgrande, if you want to talk to me.

Im sorry that this is short, but I hope it'll suffice for right now

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Im sorry that this is short, but I hope it'll suffice for right now. I love you all so fucking much. Sorry if there was mistakes...🤧😂😬

                 THATS ALL FOLKS

                 THATS ALL FOLKS

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