A Pretty Long Year

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Camila's POV

As I'm on my way home sitting in the front seat of my moms car with The 1975 blasting through my headphones, I think about how today was good and bad. I just hope I get to see Lauren's beautiful face again tomorrow. She's so pretty and she's one of gods angels that has fallen from the sky to rescue me.  She's so beautiful in every way and I just want to sit next to her at lunch everyday and treat her like the princess she is.

Did I mention that I'm wearing new clothes, you didn't know? Well here's the reason why I am now sitting in black shorts that come knee high, and a crisp white tank top that hangs low, some slides, and some knee high socks with tacos printed all over, because who doesn't love a good taco.(😏)


I hear loud chatter coming from the huge room in the middle of school. It's so loud that it's over powering the thoughts in my head telling me not to walk in. I push my negative thoughts aside and make my way inside taking in my surroundings. I look around until my head stops moving so that I can stare into those sparkling green eyes that I can see from across the room. She looks straight at me even though Keana is trying to get her attention. Keana turns her head and sees me and then her smile turns into a smirk and she gets up from her table. Lauren is to busy staring at me with a small smile to realize that her "girlfriend" is making her way towards me. She keeps getting closer and I start to panic but I soon calm down when I see her smile. Definitely Fake.

"Hi Camilla right?" she asks while moving her position to stand next to me.

"Um it's Camila and yes" I say annoyed knowing that she knows my actual name.

"Whatever, but why don't you come sit with us?" She says with the most evil smirk I've seen all day.

"S-s-sure" I say as I look up to see Lauren smiling because she thinks her girlfriend is being nice to me.

She leads me over to the table and I sit across from Lauren but I see mostly familiar faces at the table. I see that sitting in the seat next to Lauren is Normani the one that was super nice to me earlier this morning, but then I see her girlfriend Dinah. Dinah smirk's at me and then laughs. I start to wonder what's so funny when an angelic voice speaks up.

"Do you want to go get lunch Camila?" She asks with a small smile.

"Uh yes sure" I say going to get up but an arm pulled me back down.

"Um I'll walk you there just hold on" she stands up and grabs her slushy.

"Ok lets go" she says lifting the cup until it's out of eye sight.

After I can't see the cup I feel a super cold liquid dripping down my scalp and I look up and I see a cup slightly tipped to the side. Welp I guess it wasn't such a good idea to look up. I think to myself when I see the cup turn fully upside down and all the blue icee spills out all over me, when I say all over me I mean all over me.

"Oops sorry" she says with a smirk and a fake giggle I'm pretty sure the devil laughs with.

"You're such a bitch" I hear Lauren mutter before quickly grabbing my hand and phone off of the table and leading me towards the bathroom I ran into earlier this morning after I got drenched the first time. Well at least it's not so hot, I wouldn't call it hot because all I feel is thunder and lightning erupting inside of my stomach because Lauren is still holding onto my hand and pulling me to the bathroom we're now standing in front of. She pulls me inside and leads me towards the wall.

"I'm super sorry about what happened back there she's just being a bitch. I guess she's just "overprotective" over she calls a good fuck." She says frowning knowing that that's all she is to Keana now a days.

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