Chapter 7

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"Can we go to Walmart?" Andy asks when a Walmart appears a head of us. 

"Walmart? Why do you need to go to Walmart?" I question "Don't you have shows today or something?" "Um two things, 1) Technically today is a travel day and 2) I need to go people watching"

"You want to go people watching?" "Yes" I sigh "Fine, but we have to get back in time for you guys to leave." "Eh, depends on your definition of 'Back in Time'"

I pull into the parking lot "Park there Sam there Sam" Andy tries to navigate me closer to the door but I go father away to bug him "NO SAM, not here, SAM I CANNOT WALK THIS FAR" he complains when I park on the far end of the parking lot. 

"Come on princess, a walk will do you good" I smile at him and start my way in. "Sam" 

"What" he looks at the ground "Do you know what this long distance means?" 

I roll my eyes "No Andrew, I don't" "It means we must have a RACE" 

"Oh my word, I am not running across the Walmart parking lot in a race." He grabs my wrist and pulls me behind a line of a parking space. "Yes you are."

"Ready set GO!" yells Andy. 

We bolt off towards the entrance. We pass a guys who yells "Run Forrest Run!" I laugh and Andy yells back "Forrest is running" 

My boots are slapping on the pavement and they cause my feet to ache. As we near the door, Andy finds a burst of speed and makes it to the door before me. When I catch up to him, he says "What took you so long Grandma?" I punch him the arm "Shut it Andrew"

We walk in into the store and sit down at one of the benches near the checkouts. "So - do we just sit here and watch people?" I ask. Andy nods "And comment upon them" "Ok then."

Andy puts a hand on my shoulder "Watch the master"

I look down at his hand "You have large hands" 

Ignoring me, he looks through the groups of people and points to a little boy with a batman shirt "See that small child, he will become amazing when he grows older."

I raise my eyebrows "Because he's wearing a batman shirt?"

"Precisely, now you try."

I look through the lines of people and I spot a group of girls wearing Black Veil Brides shirts. I look over at Andy who is looking at his phone. 

I take a deep breath and yell "GUYS! LOOK IT'S ANDY BIERSACK!"

Hundreds of pairs of eyes look at the two of us and a large group of girls come running towards us. Andy's head snaps up "SAM!"

I laugh and bolt out of the store with Andy on my heels. I run all the way to the van and start it. I expect Andy to jump in behind me, but he's stuck in a group of girls by the doors. 

I steer the van towards the doors and roll down the window "Need a ride?"

Andy tells the girls "I love you guys, you people are amazing fans, but my chariot awaits!"

He hops in the van and yells "PUNCH IT!"

By the time we leave the parking lot, I'm laughing so hard I have tears running down my face. "Sam, you truly are a Purdy" Andy tells me

"Oh, and what does that mean Andy?" He scrunches his face in concentration "Um, you both are assholes"

This causes me to laugh even harder. I can see Andy glaring at me from the corner of my eye.

I look at the dashboard clock, it's 12:00. "Andy how did we just spend 4 hours out here?"

His eyes widen "4 hours, shit." He gives me a smirk "Let's make it even longer"

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