Chapter 8

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It's time for the bus to move on. Kat and I pack up the van and follow the bus to the next venue. 

Kat had gotten all the boys to giver her their numbers. As I drive down the black asphalt, she entertains herself with a group conversation with them. 

What the hell are they talking about. I think while her phone buzzes every 5 seconds. I plug in the I-pod and play Mumford and Sons softly in the background. 

"We're stopping at the rest stop ahead" Announces Kat. I frown "Don't they have a bathroom on the moving house?" I ask. "Ashley wants to ride with you. He's gonna switch with me"

I sigh deeply and nod. A few miles later we pull into a small rest area with a stream running in the middle of it. Kat hops out as soon as I stop and squeaks "Bye!"

I laugh and yell after her "Give little drummer boy a kiss for me!" She flips me off and laughs. Her spot is soon replaced by Ashley.

"hey little sis" "Hey man"

He pulls on his buckle and I pull out after the bus. 

"So.." Ashley starts "What?" I ask. He sighs "What was your child hood like?" I sigh, I knew he was going to ask this sooner or later. "It was fine I guess. I mean I was put with some good families, but once I turned 18 I felt so free  and then I met Kat and we agreed to live together"

I look over at him "How about you?" "Ah- well I grew up raised by our Grandparents, learned how to play bass and eventually found Black Veil Brides." He laughs "Or actually Black Veil Brides found me" "How so?" I ask. "Andy found me on craigslist"

Laughing I say "So you guys are all pretty tight?" "Yup, real close. Although sometimes a girl will toss things up." I snort out a laugh "You guys fight over girls?" He nods "Well minus Jake and Jinxx. Although CC seems pretty enticed by your friend Kat."

"Yeah she really likes him, you can definitely tell" Ashley looks at me "We should play truth or truth." I give him a confused look "Truth or Truth? Like truth or dare with no dares"

He smiles "Exactly, so Sam, truth or truth?" "That is really hard to choose, hmm, I think I'll have to go with truth"

He scrunches his face, thinking. Finally he asks "Ever have your first kiss?" Shaking my head I say "Nope. I want to wait for the perfect person." I shrug "I know it sounds childish, but I really do"

He shakes his head "Na, it's a good choice. I wasted mine on the high school whore." "What?!" I say through laughter "Yeah, found her making out with the quarterback a few days later"

"So Ashley, truth or truth?" "Truth" I search my mind for something to ask, finally I ask "Funniest thing you have ever done?" 

"Eh, well most of the funny things I've done, I was drunk and I don't remember, BUT I do remember getting drunk in the airport and buying espresso for everyone at Starbucks before passing out on the floor" I bust out laughing "That. Is. Hilarious." "Well I am known for being funny." I raise my eyebrows "Oh really? I thought Andy was the one known for being funny." He gives me a hurt look "I am just as funny as Andy" he claims.

"Speaking of Andy, where did you guys go?" I shrugged my shoulders "Breakfast, Walmart and a cliff." Ashley looks surprised "Cliff? Do you mean THE CLIFF?" "Uh- sure I guess" He lets out a whistle, "He must really like you to take you to the cliff, it's like his special place. Even I haven't been there."

"Huh, I guess he wanted me to see it." "Yeah I guess so"

We spend the remainder of the tome talking about our childhood and our life now. Finally the bus stops at the next venue. Ashley is able to convince their manager to let Kat and I camp in the van by the bus. Although I doubt Kat will be in the van...

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