Chapter 1 👏

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I roll over in my bed, only to see a fuming Katie stomping down the hallway. Freaked out, I look over at the clock and yelp. "Oh shit oh shit oh shit" I mutter to myself. Untangling myself from my blankets I yell at Katie "Why the hell didn't you wake me up Kat?" 

Arms crossed, she stands in my door way and says "Okay, yes, 'oh shit' is the correct thing to say, secondly, I wanted to yell at you" She smiles as she says the last bit. I roll my eyes, typical Katie behavior. 

"We we're supposed to leave like an hour ago" I say into one of my pillows. As she yanks my blankets from my bed, she says "Warped Tour can wait just a little longer." I curl into a ball and bat away her hands "Go awaaaayy"  "Get up Sam Jam!" 

Okay, let's take a moment and pause. Warped Tour, giant music festival that goes around the United States and showcases pretty much every band that an emo kid loves. Including Black Veil Brides. Kat has this idea in her head that we're going to meet good ol' Black Veil Brides (mostly Ashley) and Ashley is going to recognize me, and hey! Happy Family reunion! Amrite

No. I don't think it's gonna work, but I absolutely adore pretty much every single other band there, so I could not resist. 

Okay, unpause. 

I finally drag myself up from my bed and head to the bathroom. I brush my long hair out and pull half of it up, in attempt to make me look only half-homeless. After I brush my teeth and smear some makeup on, I head back to my room, where Katie throws a shirt and shorts at me. 

"Get dressed Sam-jam, t-minus 5 minutes to when we leave" she announces. I laugh as I pull on my clothes she chose for me. "You excited or something Kat?" She rolls her eyes and heads down the hallway. 

"Better hurry up!" She yells "I already loaded the van up and made you breakfast." Yeah, Katie is excited. 

After I finish pulling on my clothes, I grab my backpack and rush to the kitchen. I hear the van already running in the street. It's not that hard to not hear, seeing that it's muffler fell off last year. 

I quick write down house care and pet care instructions for out neighbors before I look around the house, making sure Katie got everything. Looks like she did, even my pre-packed bags I set out in the kitchen last night. 

Our calico cat rubs up against my legs. I smile and stroke her soft back "Be good Chloe. We need a gallant warrior cat to take care of the house while we're gone" She meows in content. I laugh at her soft face. 

I'm snapped out of my cat-daze by Katie honking the van's horn, repeatedly. I'm sure the neighbors love that at 7 am in the morning on a Saturday. 

Running from the house, I yell at Katie "Dude! Stop! The neighbors are going to let the house burn down and kill Chloe if you keep pissing them off!" She just laughs as I climb into the van. "Buckle up Samantha! We've got a long drive ahead of us" 

She tosses me a paper bad. I open it and find a warm breakfast sandwich. I take a massive bite from it and manage to splutter out a thank you with a full mouth. 

When Katie turns onto the freeway, she rolls down her window and screams at the top of her lungs "WE'RE GOING TO WARPED TOUR!!!" I laugh at her mood, and can't but help screaming out my own window. 

As Katie navigates the road, I slowly find myself drifting back to sleep. 

**3 Hours Later** 

"Saaammyy!" I'm shaken awake by Kat, who is singing my name over and over again. I slowly sit up and rub my eyes, "We're here kid" She says. I look out my window to see a massive venue set up. From our position on the road, I can see the whole thing. "Woah" I whisper to myself. 

"Woah is right!" Kat says, "That's a whole new life for ya down there" I roll my eyes and say "Yeah, we'll see about that" 

A couple miles down the road, we pull into a small campground, that is infested by festival goers already.  Once we park the car, Kat jumps out and stretcher. She looks at her watch and says "We have exactly one hour before the gates open"

"Then let's head back, so we can stuff our day with music" I say with a smile. "Heck yeah Sam-Jam" we high-five and end up leaving pretty soon after we arrived. 

Finding parking is a bitch. And Kat probably yelled the phrase "go fuck yourself" at least 15 times. Eventually, we find a spot within the dirt field they call a parking lot. 

I groan when I see the length of the line, "See you shouldn't have let me sleep in Kat" She waves a finger "Ahahah" Digging into the bottom of her drawstring bag, she pulls out 6 cans of food. "These babies will get us, line skipping wristbands." 

"I love you Kat" She smiles "I know"

We get our wristbands, and within 45 minutes we have entered the wonders of Warped Tour. I breathe in the air and smile "This is my home" Grabbing my wrist, Kat says "Okay, Ms. This is my Home, we have a schedule to follow if we want this plan to work"

She checks the blown up schedule at the gates and nods, "We have exactly 5 hours before good ol' bvb plays" I laugh as she says bvb as if it was a word. "Kat" She raises her eyebrows "Hmmm" "You're a fucking dolt" 

"I know" 


Hey guys, so IDK if I'm going to fast or not, soooooooooooooo you need to tell me!




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