Chapter 17

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Using the flashlight on my phone I navigate around the headstones. I follow a path that I followed as a child several times when I had a family in New York. Finally a familiar black granite stone comes into view. I sit down in front of it and read the inscription. 

Marie and Tomas Purdy. Loving friends and parents. Gone, but never forgotten. " The wind that gave us our first breaths also received our last sighs"

In the middle of the headstones a picture of my parents smiles back at me. A small boy stands at their feet and my mother looks like she might burst from pregnancy. I smile at the cheesy smile Ashley and dad share. 

I screw off the lid if the Jack Daniels and take a large sip. I cough from the burning sensation going down my throat. 

Sighing I say "I really wish you guys were here. Even though I can't remember you, it  would be nice." I take another sip "Ashley was in a car accident today." I laugh "Well technically yesterday. But..." I swipe under my eyes for tears "He's in a coma. My best friend was in the crash too" 

I sniffle "But she didn't make it. I.. I.. I..." I'm a loss for words at this point. I sit there in front of my parents grave taking shots from a bottle of Jack Daniels in the dark. And I was crying to add on top of that. 

After nearly 45 minutes of sitting I hear footsteps come from behind me. Well shit, I've been caught being in a closed cemetery. 

I raise my hands over my head, with my bottle of Jack Daniels mind you, and say "You caught me. Go ahead and arrest me for being in a closed cemetery." 

A deep laugh comes from behind me "I'm not here to arrest you" I whip around and sigh in relief "Oh it's you" Andy laughs and sits down beside me. He gestures to the half empty bottle in my hands. I wave my hands "I'm not drunk, if that's what you're suggesting" I raise my eyebrows in question "How did you find me?"

Andy sighs "Ashley used to come here. I would stand over by that tree" He says motioning to a large oak 30 feet away. "I figured you might come here" 

I nod and take another gulp from the bottle. I wave it at Andy "Want some?" He shakes his head "One of us needs to be able to get back to the bus" I shrug my shoulders and take another sip. "Your loss"

He shifts beside me "So, how did it happen?"  "Ashley didn't tell you?" I ask. He shakes his head "He was always closed on this subject" I sigh "It was a car crash. Just like the fucking crash I just lost my best friend too. And my brother is now in a fucking coma" I take several shuddering breaths trying to keep back another round of fresh tears. 

"Why the fuck are all the fucking good things fucking taken from me?" I yell angrily before sobbing takes over my body. Andy wraps his arms around me and pulls me close "It's ok Sam, you can get through it" I sob into his chest. Slowly my sobbing subsides. "Andy?" "Hmm" "I don't think I'll make it" He cups my chin "You will Sam, you're strong and you can do it" Staring into his stark blue eyes I pull myself closer and meet his lips with mine. 

He returns the kiss softly. I pull away and smile "You've been waiting for that haven't you?" He smirks "I was going to get it sooner or later" Still smiling I pull my self closer to him and my eyelids begin to droop and I let them close me into darkness.

When I open my eyes a raging headache flashes through my temples when the sunlight meets my eyes. I rub my eyes and sit up. I'm in the back of the van with my blankets over me, and my bottle of Jack Daniels tucked beside me. I smile, Andy must have moved me in here. I rub my arms realizing that Andy had given me his jacket last night. 

I look out the windows Holy shit, he drove me back to the bus. I rub my eyes and sigh. I pull my self out of the van and over to the bus. I hesitate before entering the bus. When I do I'm greeted by pairs of tired eyes. "Good morning Sam"  I smile weakly. I sit down on the sofa between Andy and Jake.  

Jinxx clears his throat "We announced our withdrawal from the tour earlier" I nod. "So what will you do Sam?" I shrug. "Kat will have a funeral. And I guess I need to find a smaller place to live. So I probably need to leave soon. I'll try to get Ashley moved to a hospital close to where I'll live" 

"Where do you live currently?" CC asks. "Seattle" "You should move to California, most of us live in the southern area" I nod my head "Yeah maybe. If I can find a place for me there." "You can live with one of us. Or Ashley's place" Andy suggests. I brighten at his words "Yeah, I can live in Ashley's old place. He's alone, right?" Jinxx nods "Freakin huge place too"

I smile knowing Ashley is a 'Go big or go home' person.  

I sigh and clap my hands "Well, I probably need to head back sometime soon" Andy looks deflated "I'll stay for another week or so. But I have Kat's funeral and living issues to attend to" 

1 Month Later 

I ease the van up a paved driveway and a large blue and black 2 story house comes into view. "Holy shit that's a huge house" I mutter to myself. The van is full to the top with boxers full of my things. And a few of Kat's per her parents request. Her funeral was 2 weeks ago. I sang 'Somewhere over the rainbow' since it was her favorite song. I managed to make it all the way through without crying.

I stopped renting the house Kat and I shared and managed to get Ashley moved to a hospital in southern California. 

I'm moving my stuff into his house today.  Andy assured me Ashley wouldn't mind if I moved it. 


It's getting close to the end.

And I'm sorta sad

But I have another story idea

This chapter was kinda crappy sorry... 

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