Chapter 18

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I slide the silver key into the lock and turn it. The door opens to a large entryway hallway filled with old and new posters along with several types of guitars. I walk down the hallway with my converse tapping on the hardwood floor. 

Pulling out my phone, I read Andy's directions through the house. I find the guestroom with no trouble. It's painted a mint green and except for a bed, nightstand and selves around the room,  it's empty. I sigh and drop the two boxes I was carrying. I walk through the house awed by it's size and cleanliness. Andy told me that Ashley was a neat freak at heart. 

In total I find 4 bathrooms and 5 bedrooms. And it's all clean. I find Ashley's room upstairs down the hall from my room. I open the door and find a messy room. I chuckle to myself, it looks like Ashley left in a hurry last time he was here. Suddenly I feel like I'm invading his privacy and I back out of the room and close the door. 

I make my way back out to the van an start hauling in boxes. Most of which go into my room. Others are staked up in the hallway.  I manage to wrestle my dresser up the stairs, only to find that the room has a walk in closet with a dresser in it. When the last box is in, I flop down on the bed. 

I hear the door open downstairs and a voice yells "Sam Jam! Where are you?" It's CC. He lives the closest to Ashley's house. I sit up and yell "Upstairs! Guestroom" I hear his footsteps come up the steps an down the hallway. 

When he gets in the room he whistles "Have enough stuff Sam?" I laugh. "Nope. I had to leave my precious furniture behind" He sticks out his lower lip "Aw, poor baby"

"Shut up CC" He smiles and gestures to the boxes. "Want help unpacking?" "Yes please!" He sits down on the floor and grabs a box marked 'Clothes' "So how many boxes are marked with this?" He asks. "Eh, not that many actually" He shoves the box away "I'm not unpacking that" I laugh and shove him another box marked 'Knick Knacks' "Here, unpack this. Shouldn't be anything harmful in there" "There better not be"

I dig into a box of clothes and start placing them in the dresser. CC places my knick knacks around the shelves. I find him staring at a picture frame. He seems lost in thought "CC?" He shakes his head "Hmm?" "Are you okay?" He sighs "Yeah I just miss her" He says showing me the picture. It's one of me and Kat hugging each other. I look down "Yeah, me too"

He puts the picture on the shelf and continues to unpack. We unpack in silence, sharing silent grief over Kat. 

I clear my throat "So how are the guys?" I ask. CC shrugs "They are good. We are recording a new album. Although its kinda Hard without Ashley. But Andy fills in for him. The album Should come out next year." I nod. I haven't seen any of them except CC since I left from the tour. "Andy misses you" CC says. I feel heat flare up my cheeks. "He has?" CC nods "Um, yeah. Won't stop asking when we'll see you again." 

"Oh." "You guys should meet up. Go to dinner or something" He suggests. I nod my head "Maybe" He rolls his eyes. "No maybe about it." "What do you mean by that?" I ask. "This" He pulls out his phone and dials a number. "What are..." He shushes me. 

When the person on the other end answers, CC smiles "Andy! Hey!" Oh he did not. "Yeah, I'm here with our good friend Samantha Purdy" "CC, I'm going to kill you" He flips me off. "Yes, we were just talking about how you guys need to go on a date" I can't hear Andy answer for a while. CC raises his eyebrows "Come one man. We both know you guys would be great together. Oh you want to talk to each other? No? Oh ok, here she is" He shoves the phone at me "Here talk to him" Then he stands up and walks out of the room. 

"CC. I'M GOING TO KILL YOU" I yell. "YOU ALREADY SAID THAT" He yells back. I hear Andy's deep laugh on the other end of the phone. "Um, hey Andy" "Hey Sam"  "So, uh, CC thinks we should go on a date." "Yeah, I heard" he says.  I sigh.. "Sam?" "What?" "Will you go on a date with me?" I feel a smile creep up my face "Yes, Andy. I would love to." I hear him exhale in relief "How does tomorrow night sound?" "I'm free" "I'll pick you up" "See you then" I can practically feel his happiness radiating though the phone. "Bye Sam" "Bye"

I hang up the phone. "Ok CC you won!" CC comes back in the room, with a huge smile on his face. "When?" He asks. I sigh "Tomorrow night" He pumps his fist "Yes! CC the matchmaker wins again!" I punch him in the arm "Shut up"

He grins "This calls for celebration." I raise my eyebrows "Celebration?" "Pizza and a movie"

He calls for pizza and we end up watching Jumper. By the end of the movie CC is snoring away on the couch. I smile and head up to bed.

The next night I dressed in a red dress with a sweetheart neckline. With a pair of black heels. Andy showed up at 7 in his black car. 

I slid into the car "Hey" I say "Hey"

He takes me to a fancy Italian restaurant. I ordered spaghetti and manged to get sauce on my dress. Andy laughed at the face I made. After dinner we went on a walk across the bridge. 

My feet begin to hurt in the heels i chose to where. So I take them off  and carry them. I shrink down about 4 inches and I'm no longer the same height as Andy. He chuckles when I take the, off. 

"What?" I question with my eyebrows quirked. He smirks "I like it when you're shorter than me" "Oh really. Why is that?" "Because I can do this with comfort" He says before leaning down and pressing a kiss against my lips. I return the kiss and we stay there for a few minutes. When he pulls away I smile at him and lean into his chest. "Andy?" "Yeah Sam?" "I think I'm in love with you" I blurt out. I look up at him for his reaction. He has a huge grin on his face, "Me too" He says. "That's good"

"Yeah it is"


Oh my word, I feel like my chapters keep getting worse as I get closer to the end....


Ok, so. The end is coming :( Kinda sad. 

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