Chapter 16

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Looking in the bathroom mirror, I saw a girl who just lost something, or someone, special. Her ragged black hair matted on the sides from twisting it and brown eyes surrounded in red with heavy bags drooping under them. 

I ran the cold water and splashed my face looking back at the mirror, my face now has blotchy red spots. "Fuck" I whisper. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck" 

I blow my nose and head back to the waiting room. The boys are sitting on the chairs all with worried looks on their faces. 

It has been an hour since I had heard about Kat. And I don't know how I'm going to live without my best friend. And with my brother in a coma, life sucks right now. 

I sit down next to Andy on the gray and yellow couch. "Are you okay?" Andy asks. I don't answer and keep on staring at the ground. I hear Andy sigh and pull me closer. I don't fight him and I lean into his side. 

A doctor in a crisp white coat comes stalking towards us. He looks down a a clipboard the at us "Ashley Purdy?" I stand up quickly "Yes"

 The doctor puts down his clipboard. "Mr. Purdy has suffered severe head trauma along with several breaks in his ribs and legs. He will be able to recover from the breaks easily. However the blow to his head has caused his brain to swell and the pressure within the skull has caused his body to go into a coma. We have reduced the swelling to a moderate state, and it will go down."

Relief floods through my body "When will he wake up?" I ask. The doctor frowns "We cannot tell. Although we have gotten the swelling to go down, his body it still in a comatose state. He could be out for 3 days or 3 months."

Dread begins to pool into my stomach again. "Can we see him?" Asks Jake. The doctor nods. "Follow me" We follow him into a row of rooms, with the bitter smell of a hospital around us. Finally the doctor stops at a door marked with the number 352. Opening it he says "Go right in"

I go in first and sit beside the bed with the boys following suit. Ashley's body is covered in bruises, scratches, bandages and casts. At first glance I can't even tell it's him. Andy leans over Ashley "Wake up asshole, I miss you already" A light laugh comes from the boys.  CC nods "Yeah, we need you for the tour man" 

I look down at my brother and grab his hand. I can feel his calloused fingertips, but the rest of his hand is soft. We sit for a few minutes when Jake stands up and says "Would you like a few minutes alone Sam?" I nod numbly and they leave the room. 

I sigh and look back at Ashley "Why did you have to pick New York. The very same place our parents died ?" I laugh "Wonder how I know that? I interrogated the social workers and they kinda went crazy" A shudder runs through my body "Kat didn't make it. She.. she.. got the blunt force of the crash." Tears begin to roll down my face

"CC seems devastated, but I don't think I'm going to live without her. I mean, she's been my best friend since I got out of high school" I draw a breath "So, it would be great if you woke up soon."

I lean over and place a kiss on his forehead. "See you later big bro" I say before standing and walking out to the hall. I manage to blink away my tears before any of the guys notice. Andy reaches for me, but I move  "I need to give the hospital Kat's information" I mumble before turning away and walking back to the desk. 

After giving Kat's information I make my way back to the van. The boys won't worry. Maybe. 

I sit in the driver's seat for a few minutes contemplating where to go. Reaching for my phone I open the maps and punch in a familiar address. The female navigation voice begins talking and I follow her directions. 

I drive for 15 minutes navigating the New York streets. When I arrive at my destination I look at the time 3:15 am. The place I'm at is still closed and it won't be light for another few hours. I hop out of the van and reach beneath the seat. Feeling around I grasp the cold neck of a bottle of Jack Daniels. I pull it out and smile "Haven't seen you in a while my dear friend" I slip the bottle into the waistband of my pants and lock the van. 

I approach the tall iron fence and judge it's height. I manage to grab the thick vines growing over it and pull my self over. I land on the other side with a grunt. I stand up and brush my self off and look at my surroundings. Haven't been here in a while. I think. 

The New York Cemetery. 


Oh heeeeey there guys. 

So I have been gone for the last week camping. Yes I had mucho fun :)

Anyways. This section of my story keeps making me sooooo sad :( BUT! It might get better hehehehe


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PS: What do you think of Andy's new hair???

I personally think Andy is adorable anyway :)

I heard he did it in tribute of Billy Idol to generate support for Billy to get into the Rock Hall of Fame....

I heard he did it in tribute of Billy Idol to generate support for Billy to get into the Rock Hall of Fame

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