Chapter Thirty Two: In Defense of a Former Enemy (Part Two)

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The three towns that had been taken, Samlybin, Avolgar, and Chevorsk, were under complete lockdown. Trajarean soldiers were on every street and occupied the abandoned houses. The citizens that couldn't escape hid deep within their homes until rollcall came around at midday. It had become routine over the past eight months for the citizens. All three towns had been locked down like fortresses so when Jared, Calvin, Mari, and Nadia suddenly appeared in the middle of Chevorsk, it came as a bit of a surprise.

"!" One of the soldiers shouted.

"Children of Prophecy, teleportation, and we're here to free this town," Jared punched the man out.

"Surrender now or prepare to fight," Calvin smirked. In response, several spells were fired at them. Calvin created a barrier dome around the four. "Why don't they ever just surrender?"

"Cause that would take all the fun out of it," Jared jumped out of the barrier and landed his foot in a mage soldier's face.

"Well, while the boys get physical, shall we get magical?" Mari said to Nadia. She waved her hands and sent several enemy soldiers aside and bound them to walls and houses. Nadia took a step forward and mist rose up from the ground around her and rushed out in every direction. Without batting an eyelash, she liquefied a portion of the mist into a water tentacle and slammed it into a mob of soldiers that had run toward them. Mari collected the mist around her and ran forward, binding people together in very awkward positions. She also blocked the occasional magic flow to stop mages from casting any spell.

Jared and Calvin made sure that every eye that wasn't on Nadia and Mari were on them. That was their role. On the outskirts of town, Devin took up his role as commander. He, Theron, Finbar, Danielle, Eliza, Alddes, Sabine, and Mathis stood on standby and waited for Nadia's signal. Britt and Icarus, on Devin's orders, had started sneaking citizens out of the town. Ross had left on horseback to retrieve the Phantom Army as back up. Even the Children of Prophecy wouldn't be able to hold out against such large numbers while protecting innocent lives.

The nine stood guard in a circle around the town. Before they teleported in, Jared and Calvin had constructed a barrier, roughly five feet in height that rested between the nine. It stopped any soldiers from leaving and allowed the nearest to instantly teleport to the trying to escape soldier to incapacitate them. Basically, it was a barrier that teleported one of the nine where they needed to go.

Devin had already taken care of five soldiers that tried to escape the mayhem and each time he had to stop himself from dealing the killing blow. Jared, Nadia and Mari had decided that killing would be the very last resort for any of them to do. Devin hated their naïveté but was jealous of it at the same time. He stared at his nonmagical replacement sword that Jared and Calvin had found for him. He was debating whether or not he should just forgo their decision when Nadia's signal appeared above the town.

As one, him and the others walked forward and the barrier followed behind them. It did no damage to buildings as it went through them and only reacted when it made contact with an enemy soldier. Devin stuck his sword into an enemy's arm then bound the person to the ground so they wouldn't be able to get away. So far, Nadia's plan worked without a hitch.

Devin, a soldier made it past me, Theron thought to his brother.

Let him go, it's all a part of the plan, Devin answered. He brought down another enemy when he arrived in the center of Chevorsk, he tapped the barrier and stepped out of it to let it connect. Devin then joined the fight himself. He slammed his shoulder into the back of a mage soldier then stabbed his sword through the back of their shin. He then rolled out of the way and avoid a bind spell, took out one of the knives hidden on his person and threw it at his attacker, hitting the women in the stomach with it. Devin hated not being able to use his magic. He held out his right hand in an attempt to conjure anything to his hand but only felt the same pressure as before. Letting out a cry of frustration, he spun around and slashed at a random enemy. He was just sick and tired of everything.

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