Chapter Thirty Three: In Defense of a Former Enemy (Part Three)

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"Devin, this won't work," Theron crossed his arms in a big brotherly fashion. He, Devin, Alddes, Mathis, Sabine, and Britt were in a back corner of the tavern. It had become a base of operations for the small group.

"What's scarier? Not knowing what your enemy is capable of or knowing but knowing they have the ability to completely wipe out you out?" Devin dumped a pile of white cloth onto the table.

"Yeah, but the Phantom Blade is just one person. One person up many?" Alddes looked to Britt.

"Two hundred and ten," Britt muttered.

"They're rumors that the Phantom Blade can take on a small army," Devin countered.

"But wait, I thought you didn't want anything to do with that part of you anymore," Sabine said.

"I won't actually become him. We're just going to use his name to buy us a day or two," Devin explained.

"So while you're gone you want Britt and I to cover for you?" Mathis sighed. "I don't see why you just can't tell everyone your plan." Devin stopped going through the cloth and an unsettling silence overtook the conversation.

"You were only there for a short time while I did what I did. I was a completely different person then with a whole other set of morals. If they ever found out about that...I would never be able to forgive myself for the guilt they would feel." Devin's hands had balled into fist and his finger nails dug deep enough to leave bruises.

"Oh." Was the only this Mathis could think of to say.

"Alddes, Sabine, Theron, here," Devin tossed them white handkerchiefs. "Cover your lower faces with these. When we go, don't say anything."

"We're not going to wear our uniforms right?" Sabine looked down at her dirty uniform. "They'll know we're with the Phantom Army right away."

"Fair point," Devin looked down at himself. "I only had enough time to find something to mask your faces..."

"Give me a sec. I think there was a house with a bunch of clothes in it," Mathis Flashed out. When he returned, he handed the four some basic clothing. Devin pulled out an old cloak of his and tied it around his shoulders.

"We'll be back before morning," Devin wrapped his scarf around the lower part of his face then quietly slipped out of town with Alddes, Theron, and Sabine close behind.

It had taken the four about two hours to reach where the small Trajarean army had set up their operations. Hearing about how many there were and actually seeing it were two completely different things. Even if Jared was able to fight, there would be no telling who would come out of a frontal attack.

Not wasting a single moment, Devin walked straight into the base. Normally, they would have been stopped the moment someone laid eyes on them, but the Phantom Blade was no ordinary intruder. The further they walked into the camp, the further Devin sank back into his own persona. He stood taller, walked with a hell of a lot more confidence, and his eyes had glazed over to that of a man who only cares who's paying him more.

"You," Devin stopped short, and without turning his head, laid eyes on what appeared to be a lieutenant. "Who's in charge here?"

"Who wants to know?" The man stood up and with him several others. With only the cackling of torches to be heard, it had turned into a very high tension situation.

"I disappear for a few weeks and people already forget about me?" Devin faced his entire body toward the lieutenant. He was a thirty something, heavy set mage soldier.

"And the entourage?" the lieutenant nodded toward the three behind him.

"They work for me. More hands means more money." Devin held his cold stare and it sent shivers down the mage soldier's spine. Only one man was capable of doing such a feat.

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