Chapter Forty Five: Confrontations

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The lies and secrets weren't the only thing Devin had been fed up with. For days after he and the others had their fight, he had tried to find an outlet for his anger, hate, and frustration. He finally settled on the war. The thing that he started. More determined than ever, Devin was dead set on finishing it as soon as possible. He pushed not only his troops to their limits, but the alliance's as well.

"I think we should slow down and pace ourselves," General Woronoff offered his guidance. The two were having a private meeting within Devin's command tent.

"We're days away from the capital of Trajare and you want me to slow down? Not going to happen," Devin growled. Between the two, on the small table, laid a map of their conquest so far. Red pins represented where they had been and blue ones showed where they needed to go. The red overpowered the map while the blue could hardly be seen. There were three blue in total. One rested on top of the capital Maetic, a Castletown called Forwore adjacent to it and a fort a few miles south of the two.

"If you want to keep your troops at optimal strength, then a few days off would do just that," General Woronoff sighed. Over the course of the weeks that followed the revelation that Devin was the Phantom Blade, General Woronoff had played a key role as an advisor to the boy commander. It didn't take a genius to know that Devin was throwing himself into his work to avoid any contact with his fellow Children of Prophecy. The general took pity on Devin and had decided to do what he could for him.

"'re right," Devin spoke after thinking it over carefully in his head. "We'll rest up here." He pointed between two hills. "We should find plenty of cover here and we'll only be a two days march from Fort Haymont."

"A wise choice." General Woronoff departed from the tent to go relay the orders to his own troops. Devin simply telepathed Ross and Alddes to do it for him. There had been too many questions floating around about why he, Jared, Nadia, Mari, and Calvin were no longer on speaking terms and if they were going to continue on with them.

Of course those four are going to stay with us. This is their fight just as much as it's ours. Devin leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes to think of better days before the war began.


Jared and Calvin had been training several soldiers as they had been in Cooronolia. News of the order had reached their ears via a private that worked under Britt. The boy had seemed skittish around the two. Being under Britt's command meant that he, along with all of his comrades, knew what had actually happened regarding Kyree.

"Um," he quietly tried to get the two's attention once more.

"Is there anything else?" Calvin asked as he unwrapped his fists. Upon Mari's insistence, Calvin had started to wrap his hands in a protective material to keep them getting hurt.

"I just wanted to say that I was friends with Devin back at the Academy and, um, well..."

"Spit it out private." Jared had glared down at the mousy boy.

"I think you should consider everything from Devin's perspective!" He basically shouted then Flashed out in surprise of his own words.

"Don't you think we've tried?" Jared grumbled as he pulled his robe on and fastened the drawstring around his neck.

"Come on, we promised to meet up with Mari and Nadia for lunch, remember?" Calvin tossed Jared a bottle of water.

"Right...I invited Danielle to join us..." Jared was a bit out of it; he had been all day. His nightmares had started to come back. He had barely slept a wink the previous night. The guilt he had thought he had rid himself returned the moment he had heard what Devin had turned himself into.

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