Reborn flames

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There was a terrible blasting noise in my head, which sounded strangely like fathers car alarm when we opened the doors before putting the central locking off.

I rolled over feeling blindly for the car keys but all I felt was a vibrating box with buttons on. Suddenly everything came rushing back to me.

I opened my eyes blinking around my room like it was unfamiliar and not mine though my things were everywhere.I sat up in my bed pushing the covers off and turned to the annoying little abomination still beeping telling me the time. The alarm just HAD to remind me to wake up!

Only I didn't want to wake up because I would have to wake up every morning to the nightmare that was my life.

I grabbed my alarm beginning to feel irritated again and ripped it out the wall glad for the sudden silence.My body felt weird,like the time was wrong. I knew exactly why I wasn't used to the sudden change in time zone, I had only arrived here 2 days ago. Beautiful Italy. The reminder made me sad all over again.

My parents died when I was 15 and I got left with the only other relative I had, my aunt. The accident was about 2 years ago but still too fresh in my mind. I shivered at the memory.

I hated thinking about it but it always found a way to creep back into my head.

It was the weekend of my birthday and we were on our way to an old cabin my dad owned on a lake. It was the most beautiful place to me, like when the sun reflected off the water and hundreds of little facades of colour would reflect onto our cabin, it was magnificent -I missed that place now- So on our way back the day after we celebrated my 15th birthday, the strangest thing happened the sky above us turned pitch black, like when you turn off a light and your eyes haven't adjusted yet. My mother screamed for my dad to hit the breaks after that it seemed like time itself had slowed down. I could hearthe breaks squeal , the sound of metal being crushed and a lot of screaming. I hit my head and blacked out, which seemed an eternity long when I finally came to.
I woke up to the worst pain I'd ever felt ,when I was able to inhale enough air I yelled out in agony hoping my mother would hear me and wake me up from my nightmare......only she didn't ,no one did and the pain never stopped, never ceasing and as I coughed out I fell into silence except a faint crackling like a fire burning.

Then all of a sudden the sky started to become lighter, but it was a strange light, perhaps my eyes were playing tricks on me but I could have sworn it was a blood red color, or maybe it was everything around me covered in blood or I burst an eye vein. My eyes finally focused and things became clearer.

I could see the extent of the damage that my surroundings and I were in.My left leg was twisted in ways I'd always thought impossible.My right arm felt wet and warm near my shoulder or I thought it was the socket I could feel actually agape.

"Oh gosh "I prayed"Please don't tell me I've lost my arm!" I sobbed.

I lifted my right leg which was stiff and pained.Everytime I moved it hurt but I moved none the less slowly crawling further from the car.

I suddenly imagined what would life be like without arms, never being able to hold my mother again then remembered her and thought that she and my father were probably in more pain or worse.

"MOM!! DAD!!"I screamed.

I tried my best to try and get up but all I did was wiggle around awkwardly and it only hurt more but I had to get to my parents, so I bit down on my lip but it was no use so I turned my head to see if they were near by, I looked to my left and saw the car was on its roof, I could see a small flame and liquid near the engine and began panicking I begged the empty sky that my parents weren't near the car because I wouldn't have been able to live with myself knowing I could have helped them but instead was too selfish and a pissy ,caring more about my pain then my parents.As soon as the thought left my mind I found the strength to get up, I pushed my pain aside and used the opportunity to sit up fast, BIG mistake, I sat up too fast and my head was reeling and I felt nauseous.

Reincarnation: Book 1 RebornWhere stories live. Discover now