new friends new enemies

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"I had to do my own homework and forgot about yours Im so sorry Casey."I rounded the corner to fined a girl pinned against the wall,with Casey and her minions surrounding her.This girl seemed about my age,it wasn't fair that they were picking on her.I made myself visible by stepping out of the passageway,and leaned against the same wall Jaselle was pressed up against.Jaselle was the first one to notice me,her eyes chocolate brown-looked so innecent,like a deer caught in the head lights of a car. The minion closest to me turned to look at me,her eyes widened and she turned back and yanked on Casey's shirt,Casey turned to look at her. "What Candice..."She looked past Candice and saw me,she didn't look alarmed,but irratated. "So I see your like the chick bully of the school,you must be really unloved,It must be difficult to face that problem if the problem is your face. Cheap makeup can't cover internal uglyness,your good at covering it yet some of us see right through that fake facade." I said with a calm tone,even though what I just said didn't make any sense.I mean I hardly knew the chick and I was being mean,it felt to much like the old me. Casey looked like she was going to throw a hissy fit,which of course she did. "Oh what do have we here,another freak!Wow I didn't know you people stuck up for one another,its soooo cute." She said in a false happy tone. "And you know...who ever the hell you are,just because your new does not mean you can just tango in here and run the show,you got that?" She said with a glare.I had to cough to hide my laughs. "For your information Barbie its walts in here,not tango."Jaselle even began giggiling. Casey got mad because Jaselle was laughing at her,Casey swung her arm up ready to hit the poor girl.Just as Casey was about to hit Jaselle I grabbed her arm. "Don't you dare hit her,she hasn't done anything to you."I said through clenched teeth. "Loser let go of me!"She screamed wrenching her arm out of my grip. "Why don't you and your minions run along now."I said.Casey decided to leave.

"Candice,Alexia." She called for them to follow,as if they were dogs,all three girls turned on there heels and twitched off.I turned to look at Jaselle.She looked less vuneruble now that Casey wasn't there. "Hey,don't worry about those girls.So Im Veronica,I heard your name was Jaselle,thats a really pretty name."I said in a freindly tone. "Wow,so your the Veronica everyones been talking about,your really beautiful,I thought that people were over exaggerating."She said looking at me as if I was super cool or whatever. "Thanks I guess,so people are talking about me hey?Thats a little strange though?" "Not really your like the hottest chick in school.Thats a quote from the guys in my registry class,your like a hit with all the guys,thats why Casey got so mad at you."She said. "So why do you have to do her homework ?" "Well because she told me that I could hang out with her if I did her homework."She said turning her face away clearly ashamed. "So who do you hangout with then?" "Well right now,no one,you see Im one of those people who blend into the wall,I see all and hear all but no one notices me.Sometimes that works in my favour,but usually I just feel lonely." She looked so sad,I hated people that thought that they were better then the rest.I understood her pain.But I guess I wasn't always perfect either.Then a Emotion took over me,I couldn't control it but I couldn't understand why I was feeling it,thats when I realised it was Jaselle's emotions.......I felt her sadness.And that was scaring me. "Well since Im this super cool person,maybe you can hang with me,you will totaly be seen then,right?" Her face lit up like a match being lit,It was a wonderful feeling seeing this small person happy,I'd helped her and the feeling was.....not nice but,Spectacular!I felt good again,just for a fraction of a moment.Then bell went and I had Art next. "So where are you heading now?"I asked Jaselle.

"Im now going to Lenobie.She is my Art teacher.Where are you now?"Jaselle answered in a cheerful tone. It was very,very weird that everyone I made friends with was in one of my classes.I felt excited to have made a girl friend on the first day of school. "Well....guess where I am. . .?"I said in a excited tone,"We're in the same Art class!...Cool hey!!" "What?No way!thats so awsome now we can chat some more!"She answered in a mirrored tone. Jaselle turned towards the stair's.I turned and followed her.On the way to class we both saw people staring at us,well mostly me,but still they stared.Now I understood the looks I recieved this morning,they wern't looking at me as if I were a freak they were staring because they thought I was hot.My imagination was wrecking my nerves making me think people were looking at me like a was abnormal.That was totally akward and stupid of me. Jaselle told me about herself,alot actually,for a quiet looking person she spoke alot.At least this time when I got to class I wasn't late.I walked in and took a seat next to Jaselle and another girl she knew.When the second bell rang to indicate the lesson was supposed to start,a teacher walked in,I noticed immediatly her Red hair.As she walked into class her hair looked like a flame.She moved and her hair seemed it had a mind of its own.It was the beautiful type of red hair-not the carrot colour most red heads had and not the fake dyed colour,It was the perfect blend.When she greeted the class her voice was the exact opposite of her hair,it was smooth and husky-not wild like her hair. "Good morning class.Are we all here?" She asked. The whole class answered that they were present.I was so mystified by her hair and her voice her image didn't even process in my mind.I then noticed what she looked like,she had a slim bodice and she wasn't that tall,an average hieght.Her face was a heart shaped face with pouting lips,and her eyes were like tiger eye,that was a mixture of golden brown,hazelnut,yellow and a hint of orange.Her eyes,like her hair and voice,were magnifisent.Her eyes skimmed the class to make sure everyone was in her class.Her eyes stopped on me and they widened. "Well who do we have here?Are you new my child?"She asked still with some shock left in her eyes. "Yes Mam."I answered. Her mouth twitched then,out of no where broke out into a grin. "This is wonderful I love having new students,and please don't call me mam just lenobie.So come child you must have a name."She said "My name is Veronica."I answered.Not adding my surname.The teacher seemed to be contemplating something. "Well welcome Veronica Im Miss Carmen Lenobie.May I ask why did you take the wonderful subject of the Arts?"She chimed. "Well my reason for taking Art is because-It is a way of expressing myself without the use of words. I can paint what ever I want and do it without insulting someone as words do." "Well Veronica that is the best explanation any child has offered,well enough chat,we begin with work,"She looked around. "J'emma go and fetch the canvis stands please,for each student."She said to a child with pitch black hair. When J'emma was done giving each of us canvis stands,Miss Lenobie handed us canvises. "I want each of you to come up with an Art piece that makes no sense at all,but can explain more then what the eye see's and that words cannot explain." She turned to look at me and smiled.I turned to my canvis trying to brainstorm an idea,but nothing I thought of was what I really wanted to paint.I decided to get up and fetch some painting utensils from the back closet.I opened some draws but most of them had thick paint brushes-that I didn't want,until I opened a draw that said not for students,I wasn't supposed to open it but I think thats why I did it.The draw contained baloons,face paint,carving knives and Darts.I took the baloons and darts and just like that an idea was in my head. I filled the balloons with paint that the teacher put out for us.I decided to use Red,Black,White.I thought maybe the colours wouldn't match but then decided to follow my gut and try it any way.I walked to my canvis which I dragged a little away from the other students that were chating and discussing ideas.I placed the darts and colour filled baloons on my chair,I turned to look at my canvis to see how I was going to put it altogether.The thought came to me instantly,I would pin them up with pins. I went to the notice board on the class wall next to the paint closet and pulled a few out.I walked back to my canvis and pinned my 3 balloons up not too close to one another.I looked down and saw I had one pin left and a unused balloon I decided to get one more colour.At the desk where all the paint was,I rumaged through all the paint colours not satisfied with what there was,thats when Miss lenobie came up behind me,she thought she could scare me but I sensed her already. "Veronica what is it you are searching for,may I be of assistance?"I turned slowly to face my teacher. "Uh yeah Im looking for something,maybe a color to add to my other colours." "Well I could give you some advice,paint your idea and see how it looks if it looks like its missing something then add to it you can always add but never take away."She smiled a feirce smile at me. I walked off to my canvis.In my last school I didn't take art because I thought it was a waste of time but my mother used to collect priceless art,and when she died I started to apprieciate it so this whole balloon art I was about to attempt,I didn't even know if it would work,would be for my mother. I took the darts and took a few steps back,thats when Jaselle popped up next to me. "Hey watcha up to Veron?"She asked in her child like voice. "I had this idea and well now that your here it seems dumb." I looked at Jaselle as she giggled her wind chime laugh. "Let me take a look,"She walked up to stand next to me. "Ohmygoodness!?!thats the coolest idea ever!"She exclaimed. She turned to look at my hands where she saw the darts,her brown eyes widened,"Uhm its a cool idea but the darts are alittle dangerouse."She looked up at me worried. "Don't worry Im not going to hurt anyone,"I looked over my canvis and said,"Hey you guys standing there could you please move!"My voice rang clear and full of authority. Some guys moved out of the way. I threw the darts and as the balloons popped the class got a fright. When they were all done my head started hurting as I watched the red and black run. The white seemed to have stayed in place where it popped. But the colors were swirling and my head throbbed as it conjured up images I best left for my dreams.

"omg! Veronica its sooo cool your painting almost looks like your paintings moving."

I felt the same and it made my head throb I clutched my head and screamed out in pain and both Lenobie and Jaselle grabbed me as I began to faint,but some cat like eyes were staring at me with a sly smile ,she had black and blonde died hair. They were most probably the Emo/punk rebels of the school.Her voice was soft but her tone made me on cringe in pain "Their blood must run." her lips never moved but I felt the words and my head was exploding small shoots of black eating away at my vision.

I sat up drinking water in the now empty art class with just Lenobie telling me to drink water.  She smiled and I felt a bit better.

" I am so sorry, I have no idea what's going on I might be getting the flu." I looked and Miss Lenobie and smiling weakly.

"well you refuse to go to the nurse but if you want I can take you home?" she offered so sweetly.

"no I'm okay I don't want to make a mockery of myself on the first day. But I guess people already look at me funny." my previous fears surfacing again

"no child don't think that you are new and an anomaly this will wear off. But you better get going if you want to finish the school day without any more trouble."
"Yes Miss Lenobie"

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