Revealed but hidden

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As I walked down the corridor leading to the student parking I was shifting throught the days events,First I met this really cute guy who will most probably never ever like me after what I did today,second alot of the teachers here were really good looking,and last but not even close to least I was somekind Haydie or something like that which meant I had weird mind powers or something. I didn't really get the instructions Manuel to learn the basics.

.What was I going to do about all this??Maybe I could runaway from this place,or maybe I was actually having a nightmare and would soon wake up and laugh about it.Maybe I just didn't want to admit that I was living a nightmare! When I got outside I looked over to where Dane's car was and I saw him standing there with the same girl at lunch hanging all over him and Dane seemed to be enjoying that.I didn't know how to move any further my legs went numb and I felt like fainting.

My body was too drained.

Maybe it was because I was a freak.Now I had proof that I was.And that he was a player. I had to look away then because they started making out.I didn't know why but I had a feeling that the space around me was suddenly very crowded and I needed to break free.I had a sudden urge to run,this time I allowed myself to follow the urge.I began running and I loved the fresh air in my face.I ran so fast that I felt like I was flying and it was fantastic.I ran a wide bow away from Dane and her not wanting to let them see me.I ran past alot of people not caring who saw me,I kept running until I was well away from the school,but I kept running until I was into the forest I decided I would go as deep into the forest as I could go,not stopping,I heard in the distance people calling but I ignored them.I slowed down into a light jog and finaly came to a halt at a small stream.I knelt down into the damp grass and looked at my reflection in the water.My mind was swirling out of control and it felt like a room full of people and the sound wouldn't die down.I started pulling at my hair trying to make the sounds,images and nightmare all just disappear.But nothing I did made it better.Then the wind picked up whipping my hair in my face and it sounded like someone was whispering into my ear,I whipped my head around looking for someone, but I was compleatly alone.I listened to the whispering but the buzz in my head wouldn't allow me to so I concentrated harder.When I did the words became more clear.It was saying:Calm your soul, and it shall calm your mind.The voice sounded fimiliar but,I couldn't understand what any of it ment. "No one can control their souls it isn't possible,"I said out loud.But thought: "Well having mind reading powers makes it quiet possible."It sounded like the wind was laughing at me,but it became more and more faint until I couldn't hear it any more.Or maybe it was my mind playing tricks on me again.I sat down and folded my legs I closed my eyes and calmed myself.The noises and voices that were in my head were now dead silent,so I took pleasure in it and decided to allow my ears to now listen to the soft sounds of nature that surrounded me.I heard the water softly bubbling,I could hear a bird chirping near by,I then started to hear other things like the crushing of leaves as if someone was walking on them,I then heard someone running and could hear as they were panting,I then started to see an image.It was me who was running and panting only I didn't recognise what I was seeing,I was in a forest,and the air around me was thick,I was running at such a speed I expected everything around me to be all a blur of green and brown,but I could see clearly.This felt like a memory but it was alien to me.The view from which I was looking looked down at hands,they wern't my hands it was a mans firm hands,that were torn and bloody,the image blurred and I then saw a man that felt so fimiliar to me he was cloaked and his figure was fuzzy.The persons eyes from which I was seeing seemed to know the man too,the emotions I felt were hate and anger,I tried to escape the memory but I was in too deep.The cloaked man turned towards me and smiled a menacing smile,I couldn't see his face clearly because he was in the shadows.I noticed a small figure struggling in his arms,I screamed out to the cloaked man. "Release her at once."But the voice was a mans husky velvet voice. I then realised I was only viewing it from someone elses perspective like a third person from first person view,I was not actually there.

Reincarnation: Book 1 RebornWhere stories live. Discover now