Ancient And Elderly Jane

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I allowed my mind to open up so that I could enter the childs mind.She was in pain and we needed it to stop.I was afraid that I would find something and that she would be uncureable.There was something about her that seemed fimiliar.When I had opened her eyelids I was hoping to maybe see if I could enter through her souls window but when I did open them,her pale blue eyes penatrated me right down to my soul.I looked at her eyes,the paleness,which reminded me of how my childs eyes used to look.That scared me so I jumped back,I was now one of the last ancients.My eyes were milky blue due to age,but this girls eyes,they were something I hadn't seen in a very long time.When I finaly got to the girls level of unconscienceness I found that she was lying down crying,and screaming.I walked up to her,with slow calculated steps not wanting to alarm the poor girl. "Why has this happened?I never asked for this.Why is there death everywhere?Why am I different?I could have saved them I could have died in there place.Why did she look like me?What am I,am I some kind of monster?I can never leave here,If I stay then no one will be harmed."She mumbled to herself. I placed my hand on her shoulder and wanted to calm her but my actions had the opposite effect.She jumped up,looking afraid and violent.She summond her elemental power water,and I was quiet impressed,slowly another power earth,I was intrigued,when she summond air then fire I was then ecstatic ,this child was gifted,but I was not ready at all for what happened next,when she summond spirit I was shocked,no words could explain what I was seeing.No witch in the new age world was able to have more than 2 elemental powers,never mind all 5.I only possesed a few adept and 2 elements.

They all continously encircled her in a spheric form,yielding to her commands.She looked frightened and dangerouse.

"Who are you and how did you get here?"She asked me.

"My name dear is Jane D'asker. I'm  a witch just like you are.No need to worry I am here to help.What is your name?"I asked with a controled tone. She looked like a huge load was lifted off of her but she still didn't trust me. "My name is Veronica Devaan.I don't really know what I am.And how do I know you are what you say you are?You could be just like that horrifying man,who kills people with out a second thought.Maybe he sent you to kill me,then I can be with my family."She said looking terrified.

"No child I would never kill anyone just because I feel like it.I am a witch just like you if you don't believe me let me touch you to show you who I am." I started forward towards her,as I did her powers flared.Ready to strike with just one wrong move on my part.She came closer to me and when I touched her I planned to show who I was and to try find out who she was,all ancients had the power to see others for who they really were by touch,no other kind could do it,only ancients.When I touched her I was going to first try and see who she was first but instead she did what I was going to do to her she searched my soul and mind,this made me pull away immediatly,it wasn't possible,no mere witch could do it you had to be an ancient.Yet here this child who has already wielded all the elemental powers like ancients could was now soul-touching.She looked up at me with a sad face.

"It has taken your happiness away too.It has eaten away at all that you used to know.The darkness has consumed your kind."She whispered. This young girl was badly scarred by her memories and it was a heart wretching sight.Veronica's powers disapated and she crumbled to the floor,sobing uncontrolably.

"Veronica you need to come out of this sad place.Make the world a better place,I shall be there to help you I soul-bound that promise."With that last bit I knew what I would have to sacrifice.When she heard that I soul bounded the promise she screamed. "NO!! Don't do that it's dangerouse!! Release the soul bound promise!! "She started a whole new round of tears.I couldn't help but be drawn to her she reminded me too much of my kind and of my child that lived and died long ago. I wanted to study her more and help her reach her full potential.I had too.

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