temper flare

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I walked out her class.I was in a foul mood.  I still couldn't believe I had those images flash in my mind. The  girl that smiled it had to have been her! What was going on with me, with people around me. Was I mentally ill imagining things??

I got outside and found Jaselle waiting for me the look on her face almost like I had died...almost, "Omg!!Veronica are you okay? "She nearlly yelled at me. "I can see your loving nature cares but I'm fine."I snapped at her.

Jaselle looked shocked,I instantly felt bad.She didn't deserve me snapping at her. "Sorry I don't mean to be......so viscious,it's just I can't believe that happened in front of the whole class!"I said in a small voice. I looked down at her she seemed to be weighing something. "Well lets just say that your fluish and its normal. K?"I looked at her stupified. She stared back at me and we burst out laughing,we laughed so much I hadn't noticed we were walking to the cafeteria.I stopped short and Jaselle had to walk a way back to me because she hadn't noticed my sudden halt. "Whats wrong?Oh don't worry no one will like notice you,everyone is busy gossiping or eating,we will blend in,like Jedi's."She giggled. I tried to be as enthusiastic as before but I couldn't,it felt like my stomach had dropped into my shoes.What if someone else decided to confront me,there was that possibility I might faint or snap at them or maybe hurt someone.

Now there was just more people.Today seemed like I was a giant magnet attracting the wrong attention and I didn't want to be confronted in front of the entire school!We started walking again and Jaselle steered me to the lunch counter,I grabbed a yogurt and a apple juice,afraid I might throw up on my new friend,my stomach was reeling. "So like where are you from?"Jaselle asked while dishing up food. "Well I moved from a small place in ohklohoma,and I decided a change of view would be an adventure."I added just in case she wanted to know more about the why. I would lie to anyone else who asked,I was not going to tell them that my perants died,I was not one to seek sympathy nor did I like it,I would try to avoid it as much as possible.When we were done Jaselle led me to an empty table.When we sat I had to scan the room,it was a old habbit of mine. I looked around and saw most tables were in clicks,Casey and the plastic populars were in the center of the large room,and obviously the hot guys of the school were right next to they're table.I searched some more and saw the nerd tables were as far from the populars as possible,a few of the other tables had normal looking kids.I turned to my left and there I saw him,he was sitting with the very same group of girls who were with that sneering y one from the Art class,he was sitting next to the same girl,it looked as if they already knew one another.They sat intimately close to one another,Dane was talking to one of the emo guys at the table.When I looked back at her she was staring at me very intently,the look she gave me was one of pure hatered,I couldn't understand why she would hate me? I didn't even know her or anyone else for that matter,I was new dammit!

She turned to a freind close by,not taking her eyes off of mine,telling her something,I tried to home in on what she was saying,but my new supposed powers (my mental instability) didn't want to work,so I relaxed myself and tried again this time,lowering my mind wall,but I was hit by a wave of force as if the volume in the room had suddenly been increased,I could hear bits of Dane's conversation,I could hear someone talking about hating applied Algebra,someone else was talking about Jaselle...... just like that it snapped me back,The room went normal again and I looked up at Jaselle who was staring at me with a curiouse look. "Hey Veron do you zone out alot?"Jaselle asked. But I couldn't answer,someone had said something mean about her,and I didn't like that at all.I turned searching the room,and my gaze fell on Casey who was laughing and pointing in Jaselle's direction. "Do you know that Casey,pamela anderson's wanna be is talking garbage about you?"I said turning to look at Jaselle.Her face dropped and I immediatly felt bad. "Yeah well they have made it there school mission to torcher me.So I've gotten used to it." "Well Im not used to it so Im going to do something about it."I said getting up,but she grabbed my hand.

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