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Mr.Devial came up behind me placing his hand on my shoulder,but the wierdest thing happened,as his hand made contact with my skin I saw a flash of images,like a montage of colour all blurring past my eyes,I was so taken aback I moved as quickly as I could away from the teacher.He too wrenched his hand off of my shoulder as if I stung his hand.It was the same with Jaselles only Mr.Devials hand was longer on and the images a little clearer. I got up,handed my paper to Mr.Devial,making sure not to touch him again.The look on his face was of pure disbelief.I moved past him towards the door.I could see Dane and Neil look up at me as I passed but none of them got up or said anything,Dane looked indifferent. I passed a few girls and one looked up and spoke to me.Her name was Candice one of Casey's freinds. "Hey whats wrong freak can't handle the smart class,is it killing your only brain cell.I wonder if your perants are freaks too."She said placing one pink painted nail to her chin making as if she was thinking. In an instant I saw red flash in my vision and tasted steel on my tounge losing all control.My entire body went limp and my arms dropped to my sides,and I thought of causing Candice so much pain,she had insulted my dead perants so I decided she deserved the pain I felt.I looked at her and let the full force of my gaze penatrate hers.I dropped all my emotional barriers and released.Thats when Candice's eyes went wide with horror and she let rip a scream of agony,I didn't see or hear anything else so when Mr.Devial grabbed me from behind in a iron vice grip and tore me away from Candice's gaze it felt as if whatever I had released had whipped back at me with blinding force,it made me short of breath and lite headed.The teacher was dragging me out the class,and I allowed him.When he had dragged me a safe distance,as I'd like to think,away from the class he slowly released me.I turned to look at him.He had a puzzeled look on his face,he was trying to work something out. "What did you do to that poor girl?"He said but it seemed like he asked himself the question. "Mr.Devial I just looked at Candice and she started screaming at me for no reason,she was just trying to get me into trouble."I tried to point out the logic that seemed reasonable,even though what I felt when I looked at her was some kind of otherworld force. And what was that thing when Mr.Devial touched me?It seemed he was thinking the same. "Veronica you didn't just look at her,you projected pain onto her and with the force you used to do it could be felt all across campus,do you understand what I'm telling you?" He looked at me as if I knew what he was talking about. "Sir I dunno what all that shakespear reading has done to your brain but what your trying to tell me is that I used some kind of super mind thing to harm Candice.HA!"I laughed but what I said didn't feel ridiculas,It felt kinda right. "Veronica you know you can't lie to people like me.......Well if you don't know who you are or what you are I will have to show you."He said looking deep into my eyes,then all of a sudden I felt a tingle as if something was trying to touch my mind,I immediatly brought my barriers up that I had dropped.Mr.Devial snapped back and his eyes refocused.He looked compleatly awed. "Did you just block my mind connection?"He asked excited. "Ok let me be frank,If that was you trying to do something to my mind yes I just blocked you,I do not know what freaky thing I am or what you are but I don't want to be what ever it is you think I am."

"Veronica you do not have a say in this part of your life,if fate has given this to you,you cannot give it back."He said dead serious,no hint of excitement left. "No I do have a say and I say I'm going to ignore this."I said starting to turn away when he said."You will fail miserably if you try to turn your back on this..." In a sort of ancient voice as if he were a hundred years old and not,as it seemed,in his twentys.He turned with out a word so I walked away not heading back for my class,I decided to head for the schools main gate where all students came in,but as I walked through the corridors there was that tingling sensation in my head again,this time I sent a wave back with a warning,the one who is trying to read me will get hurt.With that the sensation stopped immediatly.I kept walking until I was a distance away from the school,just on the edge of the forest. Everything today was too overwhelming,the normal part where almost all the girls in the school except Jaselle had a vendetta against me,then the freaky part,where I moved faster then most people,I can hear peoples thoughts,and I can inflict pain on others with my mind!What was happening to me....Why me??I walked a bit more then sat down on the damp grass.I didn't think of much while sitting there and I sat there awhile.I would not give up so easily I would go back into school and take control,I decided.And with that I got up and walked back to school,first heading for the caffeteria area to fetch my book bag.As I walked into school I decided to try and make sense of what I saw when Mr.Devial had touched my shoulder.The first few images that flashed were a smudge of red,alot of it then I saw faces but they looked like they were in pain and were screaming,only there was no sound.Then it was as if the picture had been darkened by some kind of fluttering image the last thing I saw was pitch black wings,they were massive and dark.I couldn't make sense of any of the images but the last one,the wings and the red,stuck in my mind.When I finally reached the caffeteria I noticed that I had zoned out again,I had walked all this way but noticed nothing,I was in a world of my own when I zoned out,which ment I had to learn to control that.As I walked in I saw my bag still where I left it by the table I sat at.I walked to the table and grabbed my bag.As I turned to leave I saw a flash of red in my vision,I spun all around franticaly looking for who or what was there with me in the empty room.When I saw nothing I decided to try and feel with my mind if someone was there with me,I sent out a wave,and I got the strangest feeling it was as if I could feel everything that was in the room,but nothing felt the same,I could feel the chair nearest to me and it was totaly different to the table on the other side of the room,I sent out pulses and it was as if the pulses bounced off of everything and came back to me.kinda like a submarines echo location.

Reincarnation: Book 1 RebornWhere stories live. Discover now