Chapter one

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I dashed past the sea of trees, making every effort to get away from the evil Black Beard that desires to see my head on a plate. His crew was chasing me, I heard their voices like it was in my head. When I first arrived at Neverland, I never thought I would be as helpless as I am right now. I have no abilities anymore, I used to be able to fly, and have powers. I loved the feeling of ripping though the air like nothing else mattered. I loved my powers. But ever since Tinkerbell, and Wendy left they have disappeared. I never understood why, but with them gone something just changed inside of me. Left me empty. Tink was my bestfriend, and Wendy... well she was the only person who brought out the good in me. She was amazing, and sweet. She understood me, and it was just easy to talk to her.  I used to get this feeling whenever she was around...this comfortable feeling. Even if she wasn't around me, I just knew she was near. I knew she was hear in Neverland, I felt it. But when she left with John and Michael, that feeling went away. But now strangely...its come back. I wish I could believe she was here again, just to see her again...

I dashed past a guy with a knife, and he threw the blade at me with anger. The knife ran through the side of my shirt, leaving a cut not too deep but not too slim near my ribs. I winced in pain, held the wound with my left arm, but kept running. I had too, I couldn't let Black Beard's crew get me. They would without a doubt kill me as soon as they could, and then Black Beard would take over Neverland like he wants.

I was running at a slower pace now, almost tripping over branches and bumps. I felt blood on my hand as it held my cut wound, and I knew that meant trouble. I wasn't strong right now, I had no powers anymore and I was cut. How could I defend myself? I kept wondering where Tiger Lily was, she said she would back me up to help me, we are a team now. I couldn't shake the feeling that she was in trouble, or caught. She's my only friend now, we need each other to survive. Just then, conveniently, I heard a scream that sounded like Tiger Lily's from afar. I tried to look back, but I knew I had to continue running. Then, I heard men shouting, and I felt the ground on my back.  I had been tackled by one of Black Beards crew members. He had eyes that looked crazy, and black. His heavy body was on top of me, holding my arms down so I couldn't fight back. I tried yelling for someone, and tried kicking my legs around so he would get off of me.

" You know sunnie, Old Black Beard wants ye' dead, and I cant disappoint him know can I?" He said, his breath smelling like death itself.

"Get off of me!" I yelled, still trying to kick around. He put his knife to my throat, holding my arm with one strong hand. I breathed heavily, and stopped moving so much in fear he would kill me right then and there.

" Rest in peace, Peter Pan." The man said in a creepy, hazy voice that terrified me. He began to put pressure on the knife on my throat, and I really thought I was going to die, but right before he got the chance to break my skin, I heard a lovely, familiar voice yelling behind me.

" Rest in peace, Pirate." The voice said and I saw an arrow go straight threw his head. He fell to the side of me, and I pushed him completely off. When I  turned around to see who's familiar voice the person who saved my life belonged too...It was Wendy! She was standing tall and firm with her bow and arrow in hand and her long, curly dirty blonde hair falling to her waist. She was wearing boots, with a torn up dress and a tight coat. Words could not explain the joy I had in that moment, seeing the one girl that I've desired to see since she left with her brothers. Tiger Lily ran up next to her, panting with bruises all over her.

"W-Wendy...What are you doing here, Its so good to see you!" I said, walking over to her to hug her, but she pulled away, walking backwards, with a firm look on her face that almost looked mad.

"Pan, She saved my life. Black Beard caught me and beat me up a bit, but she shot an arrow at him in the arm." Tiger Lily said, running to hug me. I gave her a half a hug back.

"Thank you, Wendy. But uh--what's wrong?" I said as Tiger Lily left the hug. Wendy all of a sudden pointed her bow and arrow at me, ready to shoot and kill me. I backed up, putting my hands in the air for surrender. Tiger Lily got her knife out, ready for a fight with Wendy. Wendy looked dead at me with the arrow pointing at my head.

"Whoa, whoa, Wendy. What are you doing? Its me, Peter Pan." I said, surprised she would do this. I remember her being sweet and loving, not ruthless and mean. She looked like something changed her, she looked different.

"Where are you keeping my brothers." She said, sounding tough. I was too blindsided too answer, I stumbled over my words. She lowered the bow and arrow, quickly kicking my stomach so I fell on the ground below her. Tiger Lily tried to defend me, but Wendy Kicked her too out of the way then put her bow and arrow back on me, as I laid below her, still surprised.

"I swear I'll kill you if you don't tell me where my brothers are, Pan. I know you've got them here. Now don't make me kill you, because I will." She said, sounding mad. Tiger Lily stood close to her with a knife in hands, but she was too afraid to use it on Wendy because she knew Wendy could kill me at any moment. I couldn't believe she was doing this. Its not like her at all. And I haven't seen her brothers and her since they left, why would she accuse me so suddenly?

In the endless pool of hate in her eyes I saw a pinch of love. For no matter how deeply she thought she hated me, we both knew the truth.

Sweet Darling(Once upon a time peter pan and Wendy fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now