chapter 10

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Tiger Lily had an anger in her eyes that I had never seen before, not even when she shot me with an arrow. Her eyes where dead, the lifeless hope that at one time sprouted in luscious brown colors and a light pink radiant smile that followed along with the crinkles near the edges of her eyes and caused unfathomable dimples to appear gently into her rosy cheeks. But now, those sultry eyes and smile have grown weary of being happy. Anger, despise, and jealousy replacing her once happiness. In a way I felt bad for Tiger Lily, even while she stood there before me with the love of my life in a chokehold as I stuck my hands out in a plea for her to let Wendy go. I could see she was broken, for the love she gave so excessively to me I never thought to return or even notice. All I want is to end this war, to have peace.

Tiger Lily broke my thoughts by tightening her arm grip around Wendy's neck, the wound where the arrow once stuck in, bleeding still and dripping down her white dress. Wendy dug her nails into Tiger Lily's arm, which only made the situation worse.

"Awe, look at the cute couple kissing, thinking they can get away." Tiger Lily derided, her red dress dirty with drops of Wendy's blood soaking into it.

"Please, let her go. We can have peace, all of us." I suggested, but my words clearly meant nothing to her.

"Peace? You think we can have peace? Your foolish Pan, you really are." She replied as I saw Wendy gasp for air, I became tense.

"Don't do this Tiger Lily." I said as I focused my energy onto my right hand, it heating up with every second.

"I HATE HER! She took everything from me! She has your heart on a platter and she still left Neverland, while I stood by you the whole time!"

"That was then, this is now. Tiger Lily just...just stop. We can start over. As friends again." The energy located in my hand was ready to aim at her and shoot her back with a blast. But I wanted to give her one last chance to be friendly, one last chance to--

"Start over?" Tiger Lily cut off my thoughts and mockingly laughed. "We will never be able to start over. Because I'm going to kill Wendy, then you, then your little friends. I hate you Pan, and that will never change."

My breathing quickened as I knew Wendy's was disintegrating. My arm shook as I lifted it in front of me, aimed right at Tiger Lily's head. I shot out the energy with one grueling, distressing gust, causing Tiger Lily to shoot backward and hit a tree. Wendy tripped a bit over the excess, and I helped her to keep her balance as she took deep breathes, her chest moving with every inhale of the sweet air.

I saw Tiger Lily slowly stand up from behind Wendy, and knew she wasn't done with this fight. She only had a small wound from where she hit the tree, on the left side of her forehead. Blood oozed out of the wound, but Tiger Lily looked untouched.

"Wendy, get out of here." I said panting as I held her close in my arms, trying my best to sound strong.

"What?" She replied, still breathing heavily and now pulled away from my grasp, looking around us as lost boys and pirates fought. But my eyes focused on Tiger Lily, not moving for a second. She slowly got to her feet, and her eye brows where furrowed with anger as she made eye contact with me, fury and pique bubbling all over her body and face as the blood from her forehead dripped down her temple.

"You need to go, go to Tink's house, be safe. Just run. I'll be there soon." I said, quickly moving her in the direction she needed to run. I couldn't have her be here, not while this current war was going on and Tiger Lily wanted her head. I couldn't risk it, loosing her. No matter how strong she is.

Before Wendy got the chance to reply, Tiger Lily was charging at me with a knife. I dodged it, flying just above her head and kicking the knife out of her hands. I saw Wendy running into the forest, and I felt grateful she listened to me.

"Oh come on, Pan. Fight fair. Without your powers, don't be a coward." Tiger Lily said with a fake smile as we stood eye level to each other, ready to fight. The word coward sank into me as memories flashed throughout my brain, one-by-one leaving imprints on me that I would never forget.

"I am not a coward." I said firmly, gritting my teeth and clenching my jaw.

"Then pick up a knife, and fight like a man." She replied, pointing at a sharp metal looking knife on the floor below me. I decided it was fair, considering Tiger Lily has no powers. Although as Tiger Lily pulled out a knife that was stuck in a tree I remembered; she was the one who taught me everything I know about fighting like this. She was my trainer back when we where friends, before Wendy ever came to Neverland. She knows more then me. She has the advantage. But the comment about me being a 'coward' got under my skin and released anger inside of me as memories came flooding back. I must show her I can defeat her even without my powers, I must prove to her that I am not a coward.

"I'm done running away from you, from my problems." I said as I raised the knife in front of me, copying her stance.

Tiger Lily cocked an eyebrow as she smirked. " Lets end this then." She said charging at my chest as I kicked her torso, causing her to trip a bit but she kept a steady balance. She then ran at me and pushed on my head with her right hand so I was caught of guard while she punched my gut with her left fist numerous times, making me wince as I swooped the knife in her direction, cutting her just on her left side a bit. She then tackled me unexpectedly rough and brawny as her knees dug into my arms, pinning me down against the ground. With the knife now out of my hands Tiger Lily punched both my cheeks countless times, as a pounding pain formed on my jaw. I gritted my teeth in pain and tried to push her off of me, but she now had her knife in hand and was pointing the tip directly at my soft neck. I could feel blood leaking from my nose as my eyes where wide. She was about to kill me. I felt the keen knife's point cold against my skin, Tiger Lily ready to cut through its soft surface and end my life once and for all.


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