Chapter 5

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"I got it!" Tink yelled, interrupting my comment. But I didn't care what she said, I didn't care about anyone buy Wendy right now. Given the information I had just been given, I wanted to go tell her. I wanted to tell her how I felt. I wanted to tell her that I truly completely blissfully...

I had never told anyone that I loved them in my entire life. No one. I'm afraid by this lurking feeling that they will hurt me, so I keep my emotions to myself.

"Pan, stop ya' lousy dreaming and get over here. It's about ya' powers, and how to save Wendy."

Wendy. I snapped back into reality and turned my head like an owl towards Tinker Bell who looked irritated and anxious.

"Sorry. So what did you find?" I said, my head in the conversation but not my heart.

"Well it says here that powers are linked to someone or tethered to it somehow. It harnesses your power and makes it stronger and weaker. And well...your linked to love, Pan." Tink replied. Tiger lily and Baelfire both looked up suddenly,looking as surprised as I felt.

"Love? Tink what the bloody hell does that mean?" I tried to seem concerned, but I was mostly confused.

"It means that ya' powers are tethered to ya' love for others and their love for you. Which explains why when Wendy and I left they went away." Baelfire looked a tad angry, but Tiger lily just looked disappointed.

"But...wouldn't that mean when you guys came back my powers would come back?" I said. It was no surprise that it was tethered to Tink and Wendy. Tink is my Bestfriend and Wendy is...well you know. She's special.

"It should. But when we did come back, and love was back into ya' life, you needed a way to..seal the deal I suppose. Some way to show ya' love, to project it. And I have just the thing from me." Tink walked over to one of her book cases, pulled out a book and behind it I saw there was a little clear container filled with what looked like dust. Right away I knew what it was. The special kind of dust that you can only get from fairy's. The magic kind.

"Pixie dust." Tiger lily said, speaking my thoughts.

"Us fairy's like to go by fairy dust, love, but yes. I'm thinking if I sprinkle a bit on you Pan, some of your powers may come back. It's my form of love towards you, helping ya' fly and being ya' Bestfriend. Now let's go lad." Tink replied and she guided me outside, where Baelfire and Tiger lily followed.

It was a suspenseful moment as Tink poured some fairy dust over my head. As it traveled down my body, I felt a sudden change on the inside. Like something from me had been missing before, and it was suddenly returned. Almost like how I felt when Wendy came back, a missing piece in me had been returned and it made me the happiest lost boy ever. It almost made me...well, not lost. Like she was my home.

Tiger lily, Baelfire, and Tink's faces got distant slowly, and I could no longer feel the soft ground on my feet anymore. I felt the air at a different level, and saw from quite a distance. I was flying. A sea of joy washed over me as I smiled down at my friends, and felt relieved I had one of my powers back.

"Well now that you have your flying abilities back, you need to find a way to show your love for Wendy to get the rest back, mate." Tink yelled from below me, as I flew back down so I could be eye-level with them.

A way to show my love for Wendy? What? I had no idea how to do that. I mean, I knew I cared about her...I knew she was special. But...I've never told anyone I love them in my entire life. And I never planned on doing so, and never would be a long time for me, considering where I'm at currently.

"And how are you gonna do that, pretty boy?" Baelfire said, mocking me.

"He'll find a way--" Tiger lily began then Baelfire cut her off and took a step towards me.

Sweet Darling(Once upon a time peter pan and Wendy fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now