chapter 4

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The scream of Wendy Darling made my head turn around to its direction instantly. My heart dropped 12 floors in my body. I didn't see her, she wasn't close to me, but I heard her scream. That could only mean one thing, danger. She was in danger. Oh my god oh my god she was in danger. I didn't know how, but the type of scream told me everything. She wouldn't scream bloody murder like that for no reason. I had to get to her, I had to find her. Oh my god she was in danger. The thoughts raced back and forth in my head of what could've happened to her, and it made me feel sick.

"What was that?" Tiger Lily said, looking in the same direction as me, but no fear on her face like there was on mine. I didn't want to answer, I just wanted her to be in my arms.

"Wendy... it was Wendy..." I said and quickly bolted in the direction the scream came from. Tiger Lily followed, telling me to wait, but I blocked her out. I blocked everything out except my one task; finding Wendy.

I dashed past trees and bushes, and found my way across a small, short river. On the other end I saw Baelfire, standing alone with his pants wet from the river and a bruise on his left cheek. He looked surprised, and in a loss for words. Me on the other hand, was full of them.

"Where's Wendy?! Where is she? What happened to her, what was that scream?" I said, practically yelling the words at him. I couldn't help it, I had to be angry to find her. Baelfire stuttered, then managed to voice, "She's gone." This made me devilishly angry, so I grabbed his collar and got into his face.

"You let her go?! You let someone take her?! What the bloody hell is wrong with you! I should have never trusted you with her!" I yelled in his face, from the corner of my eye I saw Tiger Lily leaning against a tree, watching us. She seemed strangely ok with all of this, but I didn't put too much thought into it. I was more concerned with what happened to Wendy and punching Baelfire's brains out.

"Hey, don't yell at me dude. If it wasn't for you she would have never been in this mess in the first place, she would have never been in Neverland! This is all your fault!" He screamed back into my face, pushing me back off of him, which only made me more mad.

" Hey back off." I said, getting back into his face that I now despised.

"Your the one who needs to back off Wendy, leave her alone." He replied.

"You know what, I am so tired of you telling me to leave her alone. Your just jealous because she feels things for me that she'll never feel for you." I yelled.

Baelfire laughed an annoyed type laugh, then said, "You think she loves you? She could never love you. Your evil, your not who you say you are. Your damaged, your alone. Your weak, your a monster. She'll never love you." This out of all things made me despise him, so with one angry blast, I punched his face to where he fell to the ground and then I kicked him. Two hard blows to the stomach, making him cough. The anger inside of me was like a raging beast, making every effort to escape or come out in some way. I couldn't stop kicking him, even when I saw him coughing up blood. I swore with every kick, and a devilish face that I had never seen nor felt before emerged. I was afraid I'd keep going until he was dead, I didn't want to but I knew I would. Then thankfully, I heard a female familiar voice from above. I stopped kicking Baelfire, and turned around to see my old bestfriend and partner in crime.


"What the bloody hell are you doing, Pan?" She yelled, flying down to where I was. "Beating the kid to death aien't gonna do ya' no good champ."

"Tink." I said thankfully and hugged her, she hugged back. Baelfire was still on the floor, with Tiger Lily over him, helping him.

"Now what did this arse do to ya'?" Tink asked, smiling down at his body. I loved how blunt and straight forward she acted, like she didn't care what any one thought of her.

"What's an arse?" Tiger Lily asked, Tink and I thought it was funny that she didn't understand British slang.

"Its another word for ya' buttocks, love." Tink replied.

"I didn't do anything, a guy took Wendy, looked like a pirate." Baelfire said, getting up slowly.

"Oh, Black Beards crew I bettin'. I'm sorry mate that my good pal Pan here can't control he own temper. He's a tough one that one." Tink said, her accent stronger then mine.

"I'm sorry Baelfire, but you crossed the line with what you said to me. Its not smart to get me mad." I said, and for the first time I felt as evil as I looked. My eyebrows narrowed and my voice was strong and kind of creepy, as I took control and power.

" I'm sorry too, but we need to find her now."

"I very much agree, but first, Tinkerbell we need your help." I replied to Baelfire, ignoring my sudden change.

"What can I assist ya' with?" She replied.

"Its my powers, they're gone. I don't know how or why they're just...gone. Ever since you and Wendy left. And we need to get them back in order to now save Wendy's brother and Wendy." I felt depressed when I said that, not having her here was torture itself. But I would never let them know that, I would never show it. I just had to keep it inside of me, pretend it wasn't there.

"Oh I can help ya' with that. Come, come. I got books about that stuff in me room." Tink replied, leading us to her little home between trees, well hidden.

"You've got books about Peter Pan's powers?" Tiger Lily asked, confused, holding Baelfire up so he wouldn't fall down.

Tink lead us into her small home, where I saw it was one room, with one big bed, some book shelves full of dusty books, weapons, and a small cooking area. The whole thing was quite compact, and safe looking. "Yes, I do. I'm his friend and smarter then him so its only fittin' that I have books about 'em." Tink replied.

Tiger Lily sat on Tink's rather large bed, helping Baelfire sit down, and helped clean him up a bit. I looked around the home, seeing old drawings of Tink's on the walls as she looked for the right book. There was a drawing of me, well 3 drawings of me, and some of her...and some of Wendy and I. Tink was quite talented, for the drawing of Wendy and I laughing together looked extremely good. It only made me miss her more though. And made me now wonder what they where doing to her...

"I found it!" Tink shouted and pulled out a red medium sized book, opening it up and looking through pages.

"Tink?" I said, trying to pass time so I didn't think about what horror Wendy might be facing.

"Don't distract me now, laddy." She replied, looking focused into the book, eyes locked onto every page.

Ignoring her comment, I continued to say "Why did you leave? I just woke up one day and you where gone. I was worried bloody sick about you."

Not taking her eyes off the book, she replied with, " I had to go. You needed to be on ya' own, you needed to know what it was like being on ya' own. I also needed time for me self. I know it may sound a tad selfish but... we both needed it Pan."

"Then why couldn't you have just told me that? I had no idea where you where, if you where ok. Then Wendy left, then Black Beard and his crew came to Neverland trying to kill me and take over. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to kill any of you for helping me."

"Well I'm here now. And you had the lost boys, and Tiger Lily." Tink said, looking over at Tiger Lily who was still cleaning Baelfire up then quickly looking back at the book, turning page from page. Scanning.

"I had Wendy too...until she left." There was a sudden silence in the room, more then before. An empty silence, a broken silence.

"Oh come on dude, chill out. You know Wendy spent everyday talking and dreaming about going back to Neverland, it got frustrating. She would call out your name in her sleep, then go to the window where you took her from the first time and she'd cry. Her parents began to think she was going mad, but I had to cover up for her and say it was just an act. She freaking loved you man." Baelfire said, looking fed up and annoyed as he had his arm holding his stomach. I couldn't say anything. I just stood there, surprised at Baelfire's sudden words. I suddenly wanted to see and hold Wendy now more then ever, knowing what he just told me.

"She...loved me?"

Sweet Darling(Once upon a time peter pan and Wendy fan fic)Where stories live. Discover now