chapter 2

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I remember the first time Wendy and her brothers traveled to Neverland. I would always go to their window and listen to Wendy's gentle voice telling my stories. She explained me to be amazing, kind and she wanted to go to Neverland so bad. She said she went in her dreams, and she flew around with me, Peter Pan. It made me feel good that she cared so much about me when she had never even met me, and she didn't know my true story. She didn't know the darkness in my heart. I loved listening to her stories. One day, I decided to give her what she wanted and to take her to Neverland. So, I snuck in her window and brought her along. But she insisted her brothers go too. There was a boy there named Baelfire, but he didn't want to go. He looked too scared or something, but he also looked mad that I was taking Wendy.

We had the time of our lives. I developed something for Wendy that I had never had before, something real. She was so amazing, the way she saw the world like it was a bit giant place of adventure that she wanted to tackle. The light in her eyes when I showed her Neverland, and when we danced under the moonlight as the lost boys watched and laughed. It hurt me tremendously when Wendy left with her brothers, but I understood she wanted to go home to her parents and her life. Before she left, she gave me an instrument that made noise when I blew through it, she called it a Pan flute. I always played it to the lost boys and I still have it to this day.

I can't believe that that same sweet loving girl that I once knew so well, with light and love in her eyes, is now having a bow and arrow pointed directly at me, with a now dead look in her eyes that covers away all the love and light. And yet, I could still see a bit of love left. She could never lose it, not with me still alive. Not with hope still left.

"Wendy...I didn't take your brothers. I promise, you know me. You know I would never do that." I said, looking deeply into her eyes, trying to grasp that last bit of love left.

"Do I?" She said, pulling the bow farther back, showing she could let go of it and kill me anytime.

"Wendy, it was most likely Black Beard that took them. Him and his crew sailed here and are hunting me down and everyone who works with me so they can kill me so Black Beard can take over Neverland as his own. I would never take your brothers away from you, if anything I would just try to keep you guys safe. Its dangerous here now."

"I know its dangerous. But I didn't know that when my brothers and I decided we missed you so we got your shadow to travel us back here to see you again. Looks like it was a big mistake. If you didn't take my brothers, then you must have let Black Beard take them." Wendy replied.

"What are you talking about? Why would I do that? Wendy please..." I said then drifted off and looked away from her. I felt an ache in my stomach and I knew there was only one way to get through to her. I stood up quickly, Wendy pulling the bow up with me, surprised I got up. I walked closer to it, letting the tip of the bow touch my chest. Both Wendy and Tiger Lily looked surprised. I starred deeply into her eyes, letting her into my thoughts.

"Do it." I said, never releasing my loving eye contact. I could feel her hurting, her loving and in pain. I felt the same. I just wanted to grab her beautiful face and take it all in my hands and kiss her. That's all I've ever wanted since she first came to Neverland. But I stood there, standing as close to the arrow's point as I could.

"What?" She said, blindsided. I could tell she was holding back.

"If you really want to take my life, go ahead. I'm not going to stop you, if Its what you wish. If you don't believe me, if you really want me dead. Do it." I said, and Wendy lightly gasped and examined me, looking mad, tough, and hurt.

"Pan, No." Tiger Lily said, trying to move me, but I made sure she didn't.

"Its ok Tiger Lily, if she really wants to, she will. I want her to be happy." I said. Wendy looked like she was thinking, looking all over my face with a sad look on her face. She raised the bow and arrow, to where at any second she could simply let go and it could end my life. I could tell she was trying to be strong, trying to fight. Our memories came back to me, of her face when I told her who I was for the first time, and that we where going to Neverland. They joy I had as she danced around in my arms. Us swimming with the mermaids and her almost drowning, I saved her. I remember she was so cold, she gripped onto me with adorable eyes. And now those eyes starred into mine, I could tell they where tearing up, even though she tried to hold it back. She breathed hard now, and her arms and hands where lightly shaking. She made a slight sad noise, and with one harsh throw she threw her bow and arrow to the ground next to her, and let out sobs and she cried into her hands. I breathed, thankful that she didn't kill me, but I knew she wouldn't. I know her. She could never kill someone she cares about.

I walked over to her slowly and wrapped my arms around her tightly, letting her head rest on my chest as she cried out her pain. I closed my eyes, letting the moment last. I never wanted to let go. With everything around me hurting, she is my only happiness. My only virtue. I wanted to tell her right then and there, but I didn't. I just let the silence wrap around us, the love. As I opened my eyes, I saw Tiger Lily looking a bit sad, and I wondered why, but I didn't say a word. Not a word. This was one of those moments when words weren't necessary. They didn't exist, nor matter.

Wendy pulled away first, looking at my cut that the pirate gave me, then looking at my face with tears falling down her cheeks and sympathetic look on her pale face. "I'm so sorry Pan...I--" She started then I cut her off.

"Its ok Wendy, I understand." I replied.

"What happened to your brothers?" Tiger Lily said as she walked closer to us.

"They got kidnapped. We traveled back here to see Pan again because we missed him, but then on the first day here we got tired so we went to sleep, and when I woke up my brothers where gone." Wendy said, wiping her tears off and pulling herself together.

"Black Beard. He must have token them, but why didn't he take you?" Tiger Lily replied. I suddenly got very curious.

"Im not sure." Wendy replied.

" Me. He somehow knows that I--never mind. But he's playing some sort of game. He knew you would want to go after your brothers, and that I would help you." I said.

"What does that mean? That its a trap?" Tiger Lily said, looking worried.

" Maybe. Most likely a game though. That's how he is." I replied.

"I don't want to put you into danger, Pan. But Im going to go after my brothers, with you or without you. They need me, they're proably scared to death right now..." Wendy said, looking down.

"Im gonna help you find them. They're my friends, and your family. We will find them, and kill Black Beard. He wants me dead anyway. But there's one problem.." I said.

"What?" Wendy replied.

"I have no powers. For some reason, they just disappeared when you and Tink left." Wendy looked surprised.

"Then we'll have to find Tink to see how we can get them back." Wendy said, smirking at me. I smiled at her, loving our adventures together.

"Sounds like a plan." I replied, then Wendy, Tiger Lily and I began to walk to my camp, when a boy looking around our age popped out of the bushes. He looked strangely familiar, and mad at me.

"Baelfire?" Wendy said, shocked to see him here. And now I knew who he was. The guy who once lived with Wendy back then, the guy who seemed to like her a little more then a friend...

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