Blood, Lots of Blood :: 22

271 21 6


Calum makes sure that Ashton was downstairs with Michael who was recently with his mom again cause he felt bad for leaving her for so long, although he may have visited her a few days ago. Michael just has a big heart.

While Ashton was giggling at a stupid joke Michael made, Calum makes his way upstairs to give Luke a little talk. Luke may get defensive and beat the living hell out of Calum but it's worth it for his baby's safety.

"Luke?" Calum calls out. He gets no response, only a creak of a door opening.

The kiwi walks to the room with the now open door nervously. He doesn't want to get hurt like he used to. Luke can always go back to his abusive state whenever.

Cal walks into the room with Luke sitting on his bed, fiddling with a knife. The shorter boy gulps cause he feels a bit intimidated but he walks towards the blonde anyways.

"Luke, what you did with Ashton was unacceptable. I know what you were trying to do," Calum mumbles sternly, taking a seat next to Luke.

Luke boohoo's and places the knife down on the part of the bed that Calum isn't sitting on.

"I just kind of felt like he was too happy, y'know?" Luke says with a hint of cockiness in his voice. This really pisses Calum off.

"Don't fuck up my life, Luke. Don't fuck it up like you did before. And don't you even lay a finger on my baby!" Calum shouts a bit too loudly.

Ashton jumps a bit downstairs, scared of what's happening. He's now all alone due to Michael leaving to go to the church club.

"Maybe I can when you can't even defend yourself," Luke whispers. He sneakily grabs the knife next to him as Calum stands up defensively.

"What the hell do you mean?" Calum mumbles, glaring down at Luke.

Luke licks his lips and looks up at Calum, "I'll make this as fast as possible."

Calum flenches before Luke stabs the kiwis side with the knife, making him yelp and fall to the floor. He whimpers and grabs his gushing side, watching Luke stand with the knife gripped tightly in his hand.

"L-Luke--- W-W-Why?" Calum whispers, squinting his eyes closed cause it hurts just so bad.

"I hate happiness, Calum. So, it's time to end yours," Luke grins, positioning the knife to Calum's chest, "and Ashton's."

Calum holds in his breath, readying for the pain that'll soon flood his chest for only a split second.

Luke bends down to finally end it, but his plans are soon ruined when Ashton tackles him to the floor.

"NO! NO! NO!" Ashton screams, grabbing the knife out of Luke's hand. And this time he grabs the blade instead of the handle.

Ashton screams at the bleeding in his hand, yet does his best to keep Luke down. The boy throws the knife to the corner of the room and grabs his phone out of his butt pocket with his bloody hand.

"Cal, call 911! Keep yourself occ--occupied," Ashton says with a stutter due to him shaking in fear. He tosses the phone to Calum and deals with Luke.

Luke grabs Ashton's neck with his free hand, strangling the boy.

Ashton panics cause he can't breathe, and he's trying so hard to get air into his lungs.

The smaller boy slaps his bloody hand over Luke's nose and mouth, making him inhale the thick blood that soon runs down his throat.

Luke chokes and let's go of Ashton's neck, kicking the boy off of his torso and onto the floor.

The blonde haired boy bends over and keeps choking on the blood that won't stop clogging his throat. His mind isn't on anyone in the room, only the fact that everything is getting blurry.

Ashton crawls over to Calum who finished talking to the police but seems to be unconscious on the floor. He gasps and holds onto his boyfriend, weeping on his shoulder.

"Calum! Calum!!" Ashton screams in horror, taking off his hoodie and wrapping it around Calum's side to keep pressure on the wound, "Fuck you Luke! Fuck you! Fuck you! FUCK YOU!"

Ashton stands up, stomping over to Luke who's still bent over on the floor. He kicks the blonde's face with all his might, which is a lot of force at this moment.

Luke's head swoops back and slams onto the floor. His mouth hangs open and eyes droop.

"Fuck! You!" Ashton screams, "Fuck! You!"

Officers run into the room and yell at Ashton to get to the floor. The boy doesn't respond yet paces back in forth screaming.

An officer grabs his arm firmly and takes him out of the room, yelling at him to stop being so stupid. This makes Ashton super pissed cause he knows he can't be anything but stupid.

"I want Calum!" Ashton screams, "Calum! Calum! CAL--"

"Shut up!" The officer screams, pushing him into a crowd of the doctors who are rushing everywhere to get everyone to safety.

Ashton knows that everything won't be alright. He just wants Calum.

And he wants Luke dead.


An, holy crud a lot just happened o.o

Q, explain Luke in this story in 3 words

A, stupid fucking bitch

Ily guys soooooo sooooooo much <3


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