Tuesdays :: 24

213 14 2

"Hey mike," Luke says behind the glass separating them both. A man sits in the back of the room, also, to make sure Luke doesn't get stupid.

"Hey... how's it going?"

"Great. Not regretting much," Luke says with a cocky smirk on his face.

"Oh--" Michael sighs, looking down at his feet. He doesn't like the uncomfortable feeling all around him.

"You'll help me get out, right? Remember the deal? You'll let me live in your closet-- eat food-- be free?" Luke whispers to Michael. This makes the security guard shift in his seat cause he can't hear Luke who may be pulling something off.

"Of course, Luke. Anything for you."


An short last chapter.

The book started off great but really just got worse I'm so sorry

I love you guys so much


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