The Very First Punch :: 11

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"Thanks for the date..."

Felix smiles down at Michael who has a loving look on his face. Michael just fell hard for Felix.

"I'm sure there'll be more..." Felix whispers as he leans down and pecks Michael's lips, "See you later?"

Michael gasps before mumbling an, "Okay."


"Who was that outside?!" Luke yells in anger. Michael looks up at the blonde and mumbles, "Well, hello."

"No! You can't see him again!"

Michael narrows his eyebrows before shutting the door hard. Thoughts of anger run though his head, "Why would you care?!"

"Because--- you're mine!"

Michael gulps. He looks down at his feet and shakes his head.

"I am! And you can't fucking leave!"

Luke runs up to Michael and grabs his upper arm. The boy squeezes it until most of the blood is rushing out.

Luke raises his left arm above Michael's head and swings it down over the boy's face. Michael screams and pushes Luke away from his frail body.

"Fúck you..."

Michael runs off, still remembering the words slipping out of his mouth, still remembering the very place Luke punched. He just couldn't think straight anymore. No, he didn't feel anything... but it still hurt inside. It hurt like hell.

Michael slips into Ashton's room and jumps onto the mattress on the floor. Tears run down his cheeks as he cuddles against Ashton's large blanket.

He hates his life. He hates everything.

He hates Luke.

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