Comfort :: 12

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"Michael-" Luke starts. He look at the boy below him, huddling down in blankets.

"Go away." The boy hisses.

"No. I'm sorry."

"I don't care right now-"

"Really. It was so stupid of me. I got so jealous... I just really like you and I'm really defensive over who you're going out with... I want you to want me again, Michael. Please, give me another chance."


Luke shot his head back to Calum.

"You took it too far-"

Luke grits his teeth and narrows his eyebrows at the younger boy. Calum gulps and regrets his words--

"But- I think you should give him another chance, Michael. He's a great guy... and I know he really likes you."

Michael grunts.

Calum leaves the two. So, Luke sits next to the small boy and rubs his small back, "I'm sorry..."

"I don't want to forgive you... but I'm going to." Michael whispers, "I won't see him anymore..."


Luke crawls under the covers and wraps his arm around the other boy's smaller frame. Michael slowly drifts off and falls asleep over time. Luke just grins and whispers,

"Just you wait... this isn't the worst that it's going to get for you."

An; ugh I need to update more.

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