Thigh Stabbing :: 21

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( I fucking love this chapter, best so far in my opinion but your opinion may differ. )

Ashton watches Calum leave to go to his new job at Wendy's. It makes Ashton sad that Calum has a job and he doesn't. All because Ashton was apparently "questionably too friendly" at the skating rank, he got fired and now he doesn't see any potential in himself to try and get another job.

This makes Calum very, very sad.

Ashton waves goodbye before Calum drives away. Cally blows a kiss which makes Ashton blush and giggle as he slowly backs up out of the room to go and take a nap in Calum's big bed.

"Hey, Ashton?"

"Yeah, Luke?" Ashton says with a skip in his step as he walks over to Luke who's on the bottom of the stairs.

"I-uh- got a painting to show you," Luke mumbles, hiding the fact that he's about to do something very, very bad.

"Okay!! I'd love, love, love to see it!" Ashton says with so much enthusiasm in his voice although he doesn't like paintings. He's just always so nice and extremely energetic because of his extreme ADHD.

Luke leads Ashton to his room who is skipping all around. This greatly annoys Luke cause he just hates happy people.

"Here we are!" Luke says, trying to sound as enthusiastic as Ashton but it just comes out sounding sarcastic. Of course Ashton doesn't even notice.

"WOOAAAH! Luke this is so cool!" Ashton squeals in excitement. The red painting lays on Luke's bed, a pretty sunset painted in the middle with trees all scattered around.

"Id also like to expand it but I don't have enough paint, Ashton," Luke pouts, twirling the knife in his fingers as he watches Ashton stupidly gaze down at Luke's fingers.

"Luke--" Ashton gulps.

Luke smirks and shuffles closer to Ashton, gripping onto the knife harder.

"What- a--- beautiful knife!"Ashton screams, running up to Luke. He snatches the knife out of Luke's hands and looks at the stunning design on the blade, "Oh where do you get these??"

"Uh...." Luke whispers, "I don't remember."

"Darn, would've gotten one myself!" Ashton giggles before tossing the knife into the bed, "Oh weeellll!"

Luke secretly glares down at Ashton, just hating how clueless the boy is. He doesn't understand how he is still even alive.

"Well, Ashton-" Luke starts, walking to the bed and grabbing the knife. He walks to Ashton, getting a bit too close. Ashton thinks about telling Luke to back off cause he has a boyfriend, getting the wrong intention.

"How about you keep the KNI--" Luke starts, intending to stab Ashton's thigh as he screams knife yet Ashton is just too fast and grabs the knife just in time out of Luke's hands.

"Thanks!" Ashton giggles, skipping out the room with Luke just standing cluelessly in his room. Ashton is just so dumb that he's too clever, Luke thinks.


Ashton sits on the couch and watches cartoons. He's been doing this for maybe the past five hours and he didn't get bored during even a second of it.

Before the next cartoon comes on, he hears a car pulling into the driveway and instantly he just knows that it's Calum.

Ashton jumps off the couch dashes to the front door, unlocking it and running towards Calum who already has his arms held out for a hug.

"Cally!" Ashton squeals happily, "You're homeeee!"

"Yes baby, I'm home," Calum smiles, kissing Ashton gracefully on the lips, "It's been a long day without you."

"I could say the same too! And look, Luke gave me this knife!" Ashton chirps as he pulls the knife out of his pocket to show Calum. He places it in Calum's hands and remembers when Luke was acting weird, "But he was being so weird. He almost stabbed it in my thigh as he gave it to me! I had to quickly snatch it away. It was so scary but I guess he was just trying to be nice, right?"

Calum narrows his eyebrows. He knows just what that little shit was going to do.

And he his not going to let Luke get away with it. No, not with his baby boy. Even if it means he'll take a bullet to his chest, he needs Luke to know that Ashton is his and he cannot be mistreated.


An, oh shit

Q, what do you think will be Lucas's response when Calum gets all defensive?

Ily all so freaking much like ugh you are all so perfect to me <3


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