Twelve but a cont. of 11 :)

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Wednsday passed by like an awkward blurr, one of those days where you just went through the motions.  This may sound wierd but thats how every day is that I'm without the boys.  There haven't been many but enough for me to put two and two together.  The days are unenthusiastic, uneventful, and just plain old blah and empty.  How i ever got through anything before them is a mystery to me.  Its funny how much we've bonded over the past....month?  Wow a month?  Thats it?!  It feels like it's been a year....

Anyway, yesterday i had only cleaned the guest bedroom, in case anyone got too drunk to drive home, and then had gone clothes shopping.  Frank had to run to work which wasn't all that surprising, but i didn't mind the time alone.  According to Jay his day was just as dull and they were all pulling out their hair from the utter boredness.  He also told me that Kurt has a surprise  for me which makes me more nervous then excited.  I'm assuming its nothing wrapped, fluffy, soft, or pink but more along the lines of an ultimate revenge prank.  He hasn't mentioned getting me back for anything but that could be part of the plan.  Some crazy possibilites ran through my mind as i drank my morning cup of tea.

Today was the baking day for Frank and I, well me since i'm, according to him and Chris, a master baker.  I'd be making chocolate chip cookies, 2 chocolate pies, 2 pumpkin pies, and pumpkin squares.  If i had enough energy i'd come up with something else to make but i highly doubt that i will. 

I continued to drink my tea in peace while listening to Mariana's Trench and surfing the internet.  It was 9:30 so it was too early for the boys to be awake let alone have the energy to harras me and Frank was on his morning run.  I personally prefer running at night because of the cooler air and i don't have to worry about the sun being in my eyes.  Oh and less cars are on the road and less people are awake so theres less people to see you.  I've thought this through as you can see.

When i reached the bottom of my cup of tea I stood up, took my laptop and made my way to the kitchen.  After plugging it back into the charger down stairs i placed it on one of the counters and started playing one of my playlists from grooveshark on full volume.  My hair was pulled back in a bandana since it was too short to put in a ponytail.  When i first realized this i silently cursed Jared and his ugly broken face.  I also had on a typical band tee-shirt along with a pair of jean shorts.  With my converse on my feet i was ready to start the frenzy of baking.


I hit the answer button on my skype account as it registered Jay's web call.  I had finished baking the pies and the squares and am now waiting on my first tray of cookies that's in the oven. 

"Hey!  What are you doing," Jay asked as he popped up on my screen.  Link sat next to him with a puzzled look. 

"I'm baking.  What about you guys?"  

"Nothing interesting.  What did you make?"  Jay said. 

"4 pies, choclate chip cookies, and pumpkin squares.  I just have the cookies left though which is a relief."

"Can you bring some of that  stuff home with you?"  I laughed as i turned to see their puppy dog faces.

"Jeez doesn't your mom feed you over there?  I thought she had really good cooking?"

"She does but we always have it."

"Well if there's any left over i will," i said which caused them both to smile like adorable and innocent orphane children. 

"If you don't i'll force you to bake me some," said Link and then added and evil laugh at the end. well there goes the previous image i thought to myself. 

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