Chapter 1

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The two worlds had been united, still, most of man kind kept denying the fact that these mystical creatures, these so called "monsters" even existed

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The two worlds had been united, still, most of man kind kept denying the fact that these mystical creatures, these so called "monsters" even existed. The story of the other world, the underground, had been erased from the human history books. No one knew that the creatures even existed until a couple months ago. During the first couple of days the world stood silent, waiting. Everyone was in complete chock, such an uncommon, powerful emotion was roaming the quiet city streets. Then came the chaos. People blindly turned away from their sanity and turned to violence. Of course this was expected, our species has always been afraid of the unknown, the things that are different for us. If something by chance was different, then it was sure to be eliminated.
Blood was spilled during the third night. But then, finally a decision was made, humans were to accept this new species and share our beloved earth with them. Treat them like if they were just like us, like there was no differences. But there was, and so of course the careless actions didn't come to an end as planned. You felt guilty because of this, feeling responsible for the poor actions of your species. You knew that they were monsters but that wasn't really an argument to treat them this badly, was it?

A month have passed since the big news came out, though you haven't really seen one, a "monster" up close yet.

Its starting to get late and you haven't had dinner yet, like always you felt like going out too grab something. You're stomach is demonstrating the well-known whale sounds and is obviously telling you that you need food, now. You swiftly grab your keys and phone, walk out the door and into the big city, what a great feeling. Always full of life. Tingly sensations can be felt in your stomach just by watching what is before you. Your legs carry you away from your building and into the well-lit streets.

After a while of walking you smell something, you can't really tell what it is but it sure smells delicious! You're drawn towards the smell, only to find yourself in front of a small restaurant serving hot dogs. Could it possibly be the hot dogs that this amazing aroma was coming from? You're not really sure but you decide to check it out anyways. What an adventurous being you are!

The floors were decorated with colorful tiles, lighting up the room and giving it a funny, funky look. A few randomly placed, bright red tables proudly held up the few elbows that rested on them. You slowly walk up to the counter ordering a hot dog with (topping of choice) and a sparkling water.

-One hot dog coming right up! he says in a breathy, quite raspy voice.

You smile at the boy who's standing in front of you, politely returning it as expected. He's seems your age, kinda cute actually. You've heard that your look is quite appealing, so you quickly strike a pose to show off your "good side", later realizing how silly you are for doing so. You can feel his not-so-very-unwanted looks and you determinedly keep your position, checking (instagram/snapchat/tinder/twitter/yt/wattpad /tumblr or anything you'd like), trying to seem busy.

-Miss? Your order is finished, he said with that raspy voice of his.

You thank the boy and give him some tip. Walking out the door, it no longer smells so delicious, it smells.. smoke? Not from a fire though, from a cigarette. You check your surroundings and right there, on you're right side leaning on a brick wall theres a silhouette of a tall, bony figure releasing thick smoke from both nose and mouth. As your eyes quickly adjusted to the darkness, you could hear a dark chuckle from before you.

Suddenly, there was no man standing in front of you, but a skeleton.

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