Chapter 9

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"never talk back to a stranger"

You froze, kept reading the note over and over again as the panic started to slowly grow inside you. You felt restless.

You decided to either way go and see if you could grab a (food of choice) at Grillby's, since you wasn't feeling for anything sweet anymore. It was a restaurant/bar you've heard about for quite awhile. Rumors said that monsters hang around there. Maybe they know something about the creature you saw.

When you walk inside of the restaurant something odd catches your eye, the bartender is on fire, literary. Made of flames. You walk straight up to him and he gives you a polite smile.

-Can i get you anything, miss?

He had a such a soothing voice complimented by a slight British accent.

-I'll have a (food of choice) and a (drink of choice).

-Coming right up!

You smiled a sweet smile and watched as a blush made of light appeared on his cheeks. He seemed to be almost the same age as you, maybe two or three years older. He actually looked really appealing. He had a white shirt with a gray west on, and then a pair of black office pants.

After some minutes he brought you your food and you two started chatting about everything between heaven and earth. He really was a sweet guy. But you'd almost forgot what you really came to do. So you changed the subject by saying

-umm, can i ask you something?

He smiled at you-

-Ofcourse! What is it?

-I saw someone, um.. A monster. And maybe you could recognize him?

-I'll try, just describe him for me. Most of the monsters hang around here.

-Um, well.. His face was.. melting? And he had a scar running along his skull. Pitch black eyes, I didnt really see a nose and he had a pretty wide, creepy grin.

His flames suddenly got smaller when you told him about the scar. His smile faded away quickly and he got a serious look on his face.

-Where did you see this man?

-I-it was in a dream, he said he had been looking for me for a long- eh, you know what, never mind. It's really not a bi-

-I need you to come with me.

He called a spider over and told her to take his shift. She nodded and as you followed him outside.

- Im sorry this must be quite confusing to you.


A faded smile grew on his face, it felt kind off comforting.

-Well, i should start by introducing myself. My name is Grillby, I'm the owner of Grillby's. he chuckled but then continued

-I guess thats kinda obvious. Heh. Well you must be (y/n).

-How did you know?

- Ah, this indeed is very confusing. Well, let me try to explain.

Lets see.. Humans were once dominant over the earth and ruled, while the monsters were sealed underground. But before the war, the two species lived together.

Every 100th years or so the king of the monsters and the king of the humans gave each other peace offerings. The king of the humans gave the monsters gold and treasures, while the king of monsters gave something completely different. See, some of us monsters are born with so called powers, or abilities, and some just are not given these special gifts. You humans can't be born with these abilities, but you can be given them. So, the monster king gave a human child powers. That connected every single monster to that baby, meaning that every monster just kinda knew who she/he was.

Depending on the person, the human could either posses smaller powers or greater powers. But then the war came, and the peace offerings were no longer helping. The humans with powers fought for their species and eventually, the humans won and sealed the monsters underground. But once in awhile, a human would fall down. And instead of taking the humans life we gave it powers in hope that maybe they could break the barrier keeping us trapped. Some of the humans got killed, and some of them just didn't get enough power. The last human that fell down was a baby girl. She got a the great powers, far beyond our understanding, far stronger than the king. But since she was a baby she couldn't do anything. When this happened i was only a few years old.

The baby was raised in the underground for about a year but then disappeared, everyone was looking but no one found her. The king lost hope and instead of giving the fallen humans the special gifts, he started killing them. Collecting their souls and growing more and more powerful till he eventually could break the barrier, but dying in the process.

My point with this story is that you are the lost baby. Every single monster can feel that connection with you. But not all of us are meaning well by wanting to find you. The monster you saw. His name is Gaster, W.D Gaster. He is a monster scientist and only wants to, well, experiment on you or kill you.

So please, do not trust this man.

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