Chapter 13

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Okay.. First of all id like to explain where I've been. So i took a pause from the writing that i really just thought would last over the holidays but it ended up being a bit more than that *nervous laughter*.  I really hope you still want to read this story and ill be posting new chapters from now on. Than you for reading this quick little note, and please enjoy the following chapters! 

- You know.. it's not like I haven't noticed the marks on your body.

You looked at him for a second, questioning the words that had slipped from his oh-so-handsome skeleton mouth. Your eyes smoothly wandered down your body, and just as he said, you were covered in the same glowing patterns as before. He crawled down to your feet and lightly stroke his fingers against your glowing skin which began to glow even brighter as you shivered from his cold touch. He chuckled and looked up to you with a satisfied grin on his face.

- Your her aren't you? Your (y/n).
Oh damn how it felt good when he said your name. You opened your mouth wanting to ask him to say it once again but closing it a few seconds later. Your reaction clearly had told him the answer of his question. Without hesitating you rose up from your inferior position and took command by crawling on top of him, him not really resisting at all.

- Say my name again, you commanded.

He looked up to you with a slight chocked expression that soon turned into a grin. His non existing lips didn't open though, not a single sound could be heard. Oh, how you wanted him to say your name again. Just once, just to hear his smooth voice forming into a word which symbolizes you. You were quite shocked by your need, this wasn't really like you at all. Quickly, you got off him and put your clothes back on. Your eyes dug into his in a quick glance just before you left the musty looking apartment. 

The door closed behind you and you were just about to review/inspect your current surroundings when something blocked your sight. Another skeleton? Your eyes slowly ran over his well built body (or bones) only to discover a well known face once again. 

- Sans? 

- What the hell are you doing here? he said with a slight angry tone, not really trying to hide it. 

- I was visiting your brother, that you had never told me about, you angrily added.

You noticed he wasn't looking you in the eyes, but at your perfume smelling - a little carelessly-put-on-clothes. You inhaled his smoky, thick air, coughing a little as you remembered the first time you met at the alley. How long had it been? It couldn't have been that long now, could it? Did he know anything of what had happened on the roof? Your mind was filled with questions just flying around trying to make sense, not really succeeding. 

- Did you fu -

- NO! you quickly cut him off not really wanting to tell him that you were planning to. 

Suddenly you felt the weight of a bony arm resting around you. You followed the arm up to the well known face, which fell sans was the proud owner of. You could feel yourself glowing, from top to toe, it was a warm sensation that you hadn't really been thinking a lot about. Your eyes fluttered quickly at the feeling, as you no longer looked at sans but into the distance. 

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