Chapter 10

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- So please, do not trust this man

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- So please, do not trust this man.

A wave of dizziness washed over you, your heart beating faster by the second as it tried to beat the odd words into your every vein.

- But, this cannot be.. I've been raised by my family my entire life, my parents never told me anything about this.

The corners of his mouth curved upwards forming a compassionate smile. He placed his hands on your shoulders, slowly dragging them down along your arms, gracing them with his fingertips. His touch was warm, which really wasn't a surprise since he was made by fire. You felt a tingly sensation coming from your arms as you looked down do see the same glowing pattern on your skin, which faded away slowly after he had removed his fingers from your bare arms.

- See? You are a human, but a special one.

- I see.

It was quiet for a minute. You looked up to him smiling making him correct the position of his glasses that had been on his glowing forehead till now.

- What was your name again?

- Oh! My name is Grillby, he said with that same polite smile from before.

- Well then, Grillby, I think i need to find a friend of mine now. But I'll come back, ok?

- Okay then. Please be careful.

You turned around and started walking but didn't make it very far till you heard the faded words from right behind you

- Look out for the man who speaks in hands.

The words echoed in your head, you quickly turned around to see Grillby waving back at you a few meters behind. What.. was that? You had just felt someones breath against your ear as they whispered, and so they disappeared? You shook it off, not wanting to feel anymore stressful then you already did. Your legs dragged you out of the alley and once again into the big city.

It was still late, and you felt spontaneous. Adventurous. You know that feeling you get when you let your judgement fall, akin to borderline evil. A great feeling actually, your hands were getting hot and so was your whole body. You felt a need to dace, or to simply do something dangerous.

You ended up at some kind of night club, the 'Chrystal'. Sounded quite familiar, didn't it? You went pass the line as you gladly received glares of a couple judging eyes. The tight 90's satin minidress firmly hugged your every curve. 

The guard let you in and you entered through the glass doors making your way through the hallway. You felt your body vibrating to the sound of the base increasing as you got closer to the source. You entered the dance floor and deeply inhaled the hot, steamy air that smelled of overused perfumes, beams of sweat and all sorts of liquor. The music was gracefully fusing with drunken laughs coming from the mouths of best friends and ex lovers, such a great sound. You pushed yourself through the pulsating crowd and found your way to the bar decorated in sloppy bodies leaning over the marble disc. You lent over and winked to one of the many bartenders who nodded swiftly marching up to you as your gaze dragged along the board proudly showing off the wide choice of alcohol, your gaze stopped at a special one, a (drink of choice).

- A (drink of choice), you said slowly as you looked up to the boy smiling back at you.

- Great choice ma'm.

You watched as he prepared your drink, dipping the thin edges off the glass in (something you think sounds good i don't know XD), then pouring the well blended drink and some ice into the glass, topping it with a (berry of choice). The money fell on the counter from your hand as you sat down looking into your surroundings, your eyes adjusting to the darkness. Peoples faces lit up by the bright neon lights while others disappeared into the contrasting blackness. You took your first sip of the slight over complicated mixture. The cold sensation of ice pressing against your lips got you all worked up and you swiped the rest of the drink ready to order another one, but decided not to. Sure, you could handle alcohol but you had always preferred to stay sober, not wanting to forget everything the morning after.

Night club. An establishment for evening entertainment, generally open until the early morning, that serves liquor and usually food and offers patrons music, comedy acts, a floor show, or dancing; nightspot. Its a great place actually, a place to let go and have a good time. Which was precisely what you needed.

You rose from your chair and made your way into the center of the crowd starting your dance by a few, simple but alluring moves. Your hips waved from side to side to the beat, the motion growing stronger for every second till you lost it when the beat dropped. Your hands reached up to the sealing as you closed your eyes, then letting your left arm slowly go down, sliding against your right arm and making it go down with it. Your hips continued swaying and without opening your eyes you could feel the attention of the crowd landing on you.

Suddenly you were alone, the spotlight landed on you and only on you. The music was damp, you felt your hair tingling against your damp, bare back and you made your way down to the floor, slowly the music came back to normal and the sound of whistling and the crowd cheering appeared in your ears. You felt a pair of cold hands wrap around your waist, the person behind you danced with you, marking that you were his. You both rolled your bodies to the music, letting the beat get the better of you. You turned around not caring to look at the person and grind yourself lightly against them. The feeling of his gaze traveling down your body appeared, but you didn't care, it didn't matter. All that mattered was the moment itself. Heavy breaths landed on your neck from the person before you. You inhaled his air deeply as you let the aroma of thick smoke and liquor fill your lungs.

The need of someone slowly growed within you.

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