"I can't come to school tomorrow because I have to go to the dentist." Tyler told Josh as they sat in the cafeteria eating lunch. Josh starting shaking and Tyler noticed and quickly grabbed his hand and tried to calm him down. Josh couldn't go to school without Tyler, he just couldn't.
"Hey, how about you come with me?" Tyler suggested and Josh nodded his shaking slowly subsiding.
"Why am I like this Tyler?" Josh asked his only friend. "Like what?" Tyler asked oblivious to the fact that his best friend struggled with the fact that he was extremely shy and anxious all the time. "I don't know I'm always so nervous and I depend on you so much, I'm so sorry." Josh apologized, he felt like such burden. Tyler sighed and squeezed his hand. "You're fine and I love being your friend. Just because we're in 11th grade and getting older it doesn't mean I don't want to take care of you and make sure you're okay. You and Jenna are my world."
Josh sighed of course Tyler had to bring Jenna into this. He let go of Tyler's hand. Ever since him and Jenna started dating he wouldn't shut up about her, they always skyped and texted and he was even surprised he had Tyler's attention at the moment. "Speaking of Jenna, this summer I'm going to meet up with her again and it'll be so exciting. I feel like I haven't seen her forever. Long distance is so much harder than I thought it would be." Tyler went on a tangent about his relationship hardships while Josh munched on his sand which and listened as attentively as he could.
THis is a Terrible update i'm sorry but ily.

FanfictionSHY // JOSHLER Age 6 "Hi, my names Joshua." The timid boy greeted the boy sitting next to him. "I'm Ty" the boy paused for a few seconds "ler" "Do you want to be friends?" Josh asked Tyler and Tyler nodded enthusiastically. Josh was proud of hims...