"Mary! Listen to your father please!" Josh yelled as he grabbed his three and a half year old son who was currently tying to run away from him. "Play!" Jeremy yelled as he clapped his hands together trying to show his dad that he wanted to have fun. "We have to go to grandma's house then we can play there." His son tilted his head not quite understanding. Josh kissed his baby boy's cheeks which made Jeremy begin laughing, his cheeks turning red.
"I finally got Mary to put her clothes on." Tyler said triumphantly. "She just likes running around naked, i hope she grows out of it!"
"She'll grow out of it, she's only five." Josh assured. Before he and Tyler adopted Mary he read a lot of books about raising children and many of them had said that children go through strange phases of doing weird things throughout their lives.
Mary ran into the room tugging on Tyler's pants and then raising her arms towards the sky in a gesture to show him that she wanted to be picked up. Tyler scooped her up and gave her an eskimo kiss before praising her for finally getting her clothes on.
"Let's go to grandma's house now!" Josh exclaimed excitedly and Jeremy began clapping his hands again. Grandma's house was one of his favorite place's to be. The couple and the children left the house making sure to lock the door behind them. They buckled their children in the backseat in their car seats and made sure they were comfortable. Josh got in the passenger seat and Tyler was the designated driver.
"Thank you." Josh said randomly thirty minutes into the drive.
"What?" Tyler asked confused, he couldn't think of anything that he had done recently that he needed to be thanked for.
"Thank you for everything, without you my childhood would've been miserable, without you i wouldn't have learned how to find myself, without you i wouldn't have found love, and without you i wouldn't have this amazing family." Josh looked behind at his beautiful sleeping children. Tyler, Mary, and Jeremy were his world.
"No, Josh don't thank me, i should be thanking you. You make me a better person everyday, you make me want to do better and i love you and our family."
So this is the end of the story!
Thank you, keep voting, commenting, and following!
The author will be back soon to explain what will happen next. xoxoxo

FanfictionSHY // JOSHLER Age 6 "Hi, my names Joshua." The timid boy greeted the boy sitting next to him. "I'm Ty" the boy paused for a few seconds "ler" "Do you want to be friends?" Josh asked Tyler and Tyler nodded enthusiastically. Josh was proud of hims...