Chapter one

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                 Eleven years later. . .

I wake up clutching my pillow. It was
stained with tears. I try to remember the dream I had last night but give up. Looking at the electric clock next to my bed, I see it's only five in the morning. I sigh quietly. "Another dream?" My wolf, Raven, asked. "Yep." "That's too bad, Winter. I'm sorry you can't remember it." She said. "I'm not. I woke up with tears on my pillow this time." I tell her. "Maybe it was about your mom?" Raven offered. I glanced over at the picture next to my bed. Even though it was dark, I knew what was on it. A picture of my mother and I, eating chocolate ice cream. I was five in that picture. It's still hard to believe that she's been dead for ten years now. Sighing, I pull up my covers and close my eyes.

"SISSY!!!" I was tackled by a squirmy sequely thing. "Oof! Hey Emmy!" I say, pushing myself up. Emmy was my little sister. She had just turned four. Like my father, she had plump peachy skin and brown hair. Like my mom, she had brown eyes. She was wearing a white nightgown, and pink slippers. I rub her head. She giggled and rolled around on my lap. "Daddy said that sissy needed to get up! It's eight o'clock!" "What?!" I say, shocked. Turning to the clock I saw she was right. "Oh shoot! Ok Emmy, go eat breakfast. I'll be down in a bit." She nodded and jumped off me and ran out of my room. I fling off my covers and rush to my bathroom. After taking a five minute shower, I race out and sit down in front of my desk, grab the blow dryer, and start drying my hair. In the mirror, I regarded myself for a second. I had dark brown skin, brown eyes and shoulder length black hair speckled with silver. In my opinion it looked like someone sprinkled stardust on my hair. Or shiny dandruff. But my mom thought it looked like the first snowfall of winter. So she named me Winter. Cliche, I know. Turning the dryer off, my hair puffed out making me look like a frightened cat. I grab a hair tie and tie it back, not caring if a few strands got loose. Thankfully my room wasn't big, so I could quickly get to my closet. I fling on some clothes, grab my hat, and rush downstairs. Dad was setting down a plate of bacon when I walked in. "Hey, Daffy!" He greeted. Ever since I told him what I thought my hair looked like, he's been calling me that ridiculous nickname. "Hi dad." I say, grabbing a fork before it hit the ground. "Oops," Becky said. "Sowrry." Becky was my other sister. She was three years old with peachy skin, my fathers green eyes, and my mothers black hair. She wore her favorite onesie of a wolf. Oddly enough I was the only one in our family to be born with brown skin. "It's ok, Becky." I say, putting the fork on the table. "You better hurry," Dad said, looking at the clock. Even though I know I shouldn't, I looked at the clock. "Oh Goddess, it's eight fifteen! Only fifteen more minutes until school! And it takes me ten minutes to get there! Oh no!" I chug a glass of milk, wolf down a couple pieces of bacon, and grab my black backpack. Stuffing my shoes into my sneakers, I straightened my hat and grabbed a bit more bacon and a chocolate chip pancake for the road. "Bye dad! Bye Becky! Bye Emmy!" I call as I go out the door. Bye Sissy! Becky and Emmy said. "Bye hon, see you later!" Dad replied. Running down the sidewalk, I stuff my breakfast into my mouth. "This is the third time this month." Raven commented. "Yeah well, it's not my fault I wake up crying." I retort. "Just saying." "Hey, Winter!" I turn and see my bestie Patty running by my side. "Hi Patty!" I greet. Patty was a human, but she knew about werewolves so it was ok I was friends with her. Patty was, in my opinion, extremely cute. She always wore her silky chestnut hair down, with a black glossy bow. She had pale skin, green eyes, and a light pink blush on her cheeks. Today she was wearing a yellow tank top with a white skirt, knee high black socks, and white shoes. A pink polka dot backpack bounced on her shoulder. "Cute outfit, as always," I say when we stop at a crosswalk. "Thanks!" She twirled. "Why are you friends with me?" I ask. Patty and me were complete opposites. I look down at my outfit. I was wearing a black shirt with three yellow hearts and green shorts. "Are we going through this again?" Patty groaned. I smile. "We're friends because you're awesome! And a werewolf! So you're even more awesome!" "Thank you." Raven said happily. "Raven says thanks." I tell her. She nods. As we walk across the street to school, I look at her and say, "You know you're awesome too right?" "Oh you know it boo!" We laugh and run into school.

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