Chapter seven

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I hate my life. I hate my life. I hate my life soooooo freaking much right now. I was lying face first in the bed in my room. Or at least I guess it's my room until I finally get out of here. After Ms. Kapla had gathered all the girls, she sent us away with maids to go find our rooms and get ready for dinner. My room was luxurious, and the bed was softer then marshmallows, but I would really rather be in any other place but here right now. I had gotten way to close to the prince. Now the prince knows I'm here and knows that I'm his supposed mate. Did I mention I hate my life?

I groan and roll over on my bed so I am now staring at the ceiling. Stupid mates. Stupid werewolf prince. I swear, when this is all over, I'm moving to America. Someone knocked on my door. "Miss Leaves? May I come in?" A voice asked. "Yeah, sure." I answer, not even turning my head to look. A maid walked in with clothes draped over her arm.

"Miss Leaves, I am here to help you get dressed."

"Do I have to?"

"Have to get dressed you mean?"


"I'm afraid so Miss."

"Ugh fine." I begrudgingly get up off of the bed. Ten minutes later, I was enduring more torture then I ever thought was possible. "Oooww!!" I yelp as the maid pulled the laces of my bodice even tighter. "Are you trying to kill me!?!" "Sorry Miss, but it has to be a bit tight." I grumble and rub my aching back. I hate dresses. I especially hate tight dresses. After ten more minutes of torture, I turned to the mirror. The dress I was wearing was light green with gold accents and went to the ground. The maid had pinned up my hair with jade pins and smeared a glittery green eyeshadow on my eye lids. I did look nice I guess, but the dress weighted a few pounds and was really hard to move in. Plus I absolutely hated makeup. It gets all sticky and disgusting. When the maid left to go help someone else, I wipe off the eye shadow. Taking one look at the ridiculous heels I was meant to wear, I let out a snort and stuffed my feet into a pair of sneakers and begin putting my stuff away.

A maid did indeed bring up my suitcase and my box of cookies (which I was happy about). After tacking up my posters and the pictures, I put on the necklace Mike gave me. It rested against my skin, cold as ice. Then all I could do was sit and wait for someone to come take me to the dining room for dinner. Eventually another maid came in holding a black perfume bottle. She walked over to me and promptly began spraying a fine mist all over my body. I stumble back, sputtering and coughing. "What are you doing?!" I wheeze in-between coughs. "Sorry Miss. Orders from the King. This perfume masks your scent. All of the selected have to wear it." She explained giving one last squirt. "Come. I'll take you to the dining room now." She began walking towards the door and I got up to follow her.

I followed her as she led me through the huge halls, our footsteps echoing. After about ten minutes of walking we finally make it too a hall packed full of all the girls, each one of them in gaudy dresses, twittering to one another nervously. I immediately make a beeline too Poppy. She was dressed in a light orange chiffon dress and had her hair cascading down her back in a silky waterfall. Her make up was a light pink lipstick and soft pink eyeshadow. "Hey." I greet, sliding up to her side. "Hi." She said and smiled nervously. She fidgeted with her dress.

"Do you think I look ok?"

"Yeah, you look fine."

"You sure?" She pressed now fingering a strand of her hair.

I give a grunt of frustration. "Poppy, you look fine! What's the big deal anyway?"

Poppy sighed and rubbed her bare arms. "I don't know Winter. . . I guess I just kinda want him to like me? I mean, he did seem interested in me for a while. . . But he seemed a lot more interested in you when you came."

"Ugh, don't remind me." I grumble. "Look, he probably just got confused or something."

"Winter, I don't think he was confused. I saw the way he looked at you."

"Poppy, come on, I've only known you for like an hour, but do I seem like the kind of person who thinks about romance?" I ask putting my hands on my hips.

She looked me up and down and then let out a sigh. "No." She answered. "Exactly. Look Poppy, there's no way the prince is my mate. I'm going home as soon as I possibly can." I give her a friend nudge. "But don't worry, I'll be rooting for you." She smiled at my words. "Your lying." Raven snarled, making an appearance. "Well look who came back." I scoff back at her. "Where'd you go?" "I went away because you pissed me off by blocking me!" She growled viciously. I felt a pang of regret, but if I hadn't blocked her earlier, she would have been all over the prince. "I had too. You wanted to go too him. I didn't."

"Winter! He's are mate, we have to be with him!"

"Shut it Raven. You remember our deal. We go home. No mate. You agreed to it."

"I only agreed because you BLACKMAILED ME!! She howled, giving me a headache.

"Ok you know what? Go back to your corner."

"What? Wait Winter don't you dare block me ou-" She was cut off as I blocked the link between the two of us. If she wanted to play the quiet game, then two could play it that way. By now all of the selected had gathered in the hall. Ms. Kapla suddenly appeared, her heels tapping loudly against the marble floor. "Alright ladies, listen up! I'm only going to explain this once, so pay attention! You will go into the dining hall and sit where you are supposed to sit. A maid or butler will lead you too your seats. There will be NO whining about where you are seated, or else you will be forcibly removed from the dining hall. Before this though, you must choose a fake name for yourself. You cannot tell the prince your real name, and you may not tell him other peoples names. If you do you will automatically disqualified. Now the names may be whatever you wish as long as it's appropriate." She nodded towards a few maids and butlers with boxes and they broke away from the wall and toward the selected.

A maid approached me and tipped the box for me to see the contents. I nearly laughed out loud when I saw what was in it. What was in the boxes were a bunch of pens and those "Hi, my name is" stickers. I grab a pen and a sticker then the maid moves on too the next person. Scratching my head, I frown at the sticker, not knowing what too write. Hhhmmm. . . Frost? Nah. That's dumb. Uh, Snowflake? No that's even worse. Chocolate? Ok now I'm just being stupid. Come on Winter think! This isn't that hard! Uuuuhhh Artemis? Hm. Goddess of the Hunt. I think I'll go with it. I write down "Artemis" on the sticker, peel it off the paper and stick it onto my chest. I look over at Poppy and see that she's put her name tag sticker on too.

Her name tag read "Ambrose". I'm not sure what it meant but it sounded pretty. After some commotion, Ms. Kapla blew an air horn for silence. Where the heck does she keep that thing? "Now, is everyone ready?!" "Yes Ms. Kapla!" We all respond. "Good. Now line up so we can go in. And NO FUNNY BUSINESS!!" We all get into a line and the large doors open. We march into the dining hall and a maid or butler grabs our arms to show us too our seats. A maid lightly grabbed my arm and steered me towards a chair. Just my luck I got seated right across from the prince. Oh yay. Now I have to look at him when I'm eating. Just perfect. I groan, sit down in the seat and scowl at my empty plate. The Lunar Goddess must hate me. I was painfully aware that Loëk was staring at me, so I shifted and looked to my left. A girl my age with light brown hair, green eyes, and in a dark blue dress. She caught me looking at her and smiled. "Hey, I'm Dana." "Hi, I'm Winter." "Nice to meet you." She whispered. I smile and nod. Turning to my right I see a less friendly face. A girl with blonde hair and light blue eyes in a revealing red dress was staring hungrily at the prince. Her whole body language screamed whore. I inwardly groan and put my face in my hands.

Well this is gonna be fun. . .

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