Chapter fourteen

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Screw off, I don't want to see you, hear you, or freaking smell your disgusting scent you gold digging mutt. Ah. . . If only I could say that. Come to think of it, I probably shouldn't say it, even if I wasn't the prince. It's rude. Man, it's like puberty all over again. Why are mate bonds so hard? "Come on Loëk, just a little taste?" She begged, pushing the box of cookies into my face. Remember my tutor's daughter? The one who he wanted to replace Winter with. Yeah, this is her. Dark red hair, blue eyes, and peachy skin. Ample body too. Most men would fall to their knees to get her attention. I'd fall on mine to make her go away. How she managed to get in, I have no idea, yet here she is. "Look Sarah, it's nice of you to make them for me, but I'm not interested. In the cookies nor your affections," I state clearly, pushing her away. "Please just leave now. I don't want to have to call the guards." She frowned and lowered the box. "Your going to call the guards? On me? But Loëk, we've known each other forever! We're practically family!" "We are not family Sarah, we're not even friends." I sigh in dismal. "Sarah, I know what you're doing. Please just stop. I'm tired of this game you play, and I want to part in it anymore."

Sarah's eyes hardened and put a hand on her hip. "Your telling me your not interested?" She confirmed. "Yes. I am not interested." She pressed her lips together and seemed about to scream. Oh no. Ugh. Prepare for the tantrum in three. . . Two. . . "OH THANK GODDESS!!!" . . . . . What? She threw down the cookies and fist pumped the air. "YES!!" She cried excitedly. "I'M FREE!" . . . . Again. What? "Uhh. . ." I look at her uncertainly. She was too busy hopping up and down like she just won the lottery to realize I was still staring at her in disbelief. When she did finally notice she put her hands on her hips and gave me a look. "What? You think I wanted to spend all my time chasing after you like some bimbo? Your not all that. My father forced me to try to get to you. It made me look like an idiot. I hated it, but he made me. But now since you finally told me to screw off, I don't have too and I'm FREE BEECHES!!" She commenced to jumping around again, much to my amazement. Is-is she serious? Or is this just a ploy? Ice didn't seem to care, but I was more confused then a tortoise at a turtle farm. Ok that was a bad analogy, but still. After a few more minutes of over the top excitement, she finally seemed to calm down. With a large grin she sighed and rubbed her shoulder, as if a huge weight had just been taken off of them. "Really. . ." She murmured, more to herself then too me. "I've wanted to stop for so long. Being called a skank behind my back. . . You really have no idea what I've had to put up with."

I felt a twinge of sympathy for her. Odd how one's opinion can change so much in less then a minute. Awkwardly, I pat her shoulder, not sure how else to comfort her. "Uh. . . S-sorry. I'm. . . Uh. Sorry Sarah. . . " Sorry for thinking your a gold digging whore all these years when in reality you were forced to do it! My bad! She looked over at me and shrugged off my hand. "It's- well it's not ok. But let's just start over, alright?" She stuck out her hand. "Hello, my name is Sarah and I have absolutely NO interest in you whatsoever! I shall not want to be your mate even if you're the absolute last man alive." "Ouch. That had to sting," Ice snickered. "Shut up," I snap. Grasping her hand, I give it a firm shake. A new beginning sounds nice. Besides, I can use a friend or two to help with my whole Winter problem.

"You wanna rig the competition?" Sarah exclaimed, shocked. "Sshhusshh!" I whip my head around, making sure no one else heard. "Keep your voice down! If my father hears you, he'll surely stop my plan before it even begins!" She raised an eyebrow. "So you don't have a plan?" "Well. . . No. Not in so many words." "Ok, so you have a half formed idea and no idea how to execute it?" "Sounds about right," I slouch into my armchair only to immediately straighten. Curse you etiquette! Can't even let me sulk properly. Sarah leaned back in her seat and whistled. "Wwwoooooo boy! For a prince your pretty hare brained aren't you?" "For a lady your pretty rude," I grumble back. "Excuse me, but I am SASSY!" She flipped back her hair dramatically. "Not rude. SASSY!" Despite myself I smile. I've only known Sarah- the real Sarah for an hour now, but I already like her. The persona she played was flirtatious, ditzy, and whiny. The real Sarah was bold, outgoing, and yes indeed; sassy. Very sassy.

"Alright Prince Charming. I'm in." "What?" I ask, confused. "In what?" "In. I'm in on your half baked scheme to rig the selection. You obviously are useless in idea making so I'll have to help you." "How can you help?" Her mouth spread into a mischievous grin. "Oh I have my ways." Well. That doesn't sound devious at all.

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