Chapter five

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"Excuse me?" I say aloud. "What?" Poppy asks. "Are you talking to me, Winter?" "Um, no, sorry I was talking to myself." I lie.

"Are you serious right now, Raven?" I demand.

"Yes! That was our mate, he is here! And he is looking for us!" She whined happily.

"Woah, ok Raven, chill out. Remember the conversation we had earlier?" Raven's happiness immediately faded.

"You were serious?" She asks, shocked.

"You think I wasn't?" I counter.

Raven barked in fury, giving me a headache. "Winter, that was our MATE! He knows we're here, we have to go to him!"

"No, I don't HAVE to do anything."

"Winter!" She said angrily. "Don't you dare reject him! You might not want him, but I do!"

"Raven, as long as you don't force me to do anything, I won't do anything. I reassure her. But I swear, if you force me to be with him, I'll kill myself." After I told her this she was quiet for awhile. Then she said:

"You know sometimes I really hate you." And disappeared.

The comment about her hating me hurt a bit, but I know that she'll get over it and forgive me. "Winter? Are you ok?" Poppy asked. "Yeah I'm fine. Just talking to my wolf." I say, giving a forced smile. "Oh, ok. Can I have another cookie?" Her sudden question made me giggle. "Of course."
I hold out the box and this time she picked out a sugar cookie. I choose the same and we both go back to eating and talking. I tell her about my sisters and father. I also tell her about my friends. As we were talking more girls came into the room. About an hour later, a maid comes up to me. "Excuse me miss, my I take your back? I'll just deliver it to your room, I promise." "Uh, sure go ahead." She bows and takes my suitcase. After a few more minutes, an air horn sounded at the front of the room. Everyone went silent and a formed a line across the room. Poppy and I quickly got up and went to go stand in the line as well. I squeezed next to a girl with light blue hair, and looked down where she was looking. A sharp looking woman was walking down the line, an air horn in hand. At some girls she stopped and looked them up and down before continuing to walk. When she came to me she raised an eyebrow and then continued. When she was done inspecting she walked to the middle of the room where everyone could see her. "I am Willa Kapla. That is Ms. Kapla to you girls. I will be in charge of the selection. Here are the rules. If you are disqualified, you are disqualified. There will be no whining about it. Rule number two, is that you will never, under any circumstances go to the king and queen's chambers unless you are invited. Rule number three, you shall not steal anything. If you are caught stealing you will immediately be disqualified. The final most important rule, is that the prince decides everything. If you are caught trying to influence the prince, you will be disqualified. As long as you follow these simple rules you shall be fine."

"As for the selection, here is how it works. The selection will go on for an entire year. At the end of the year, if the prince chooses one of you, the girl selected shall become his wife, queen, and mate. Each week there shall be a challenge. The winner of the challenge will be able to get to spend a day with the prince." I roll my eyes when I hear this. "After each challenge, the prince shall decide if someone should be disqualified. Up too three people are able to be disqualified each challenge. Are we clear?" There where a few scattered "yeses". "I said, ARE WE CLEAR?!?" She bellowed. "Yes, ma'm!" Everyone answered, myself included. "Good." She said primly. "Today we shall be meeting the prince. We"- She was drowned out by the excited chatter of the girls. Ms. Kapla blew her air horn. Everyone fell silent once more. "Thank you." "As I was saying, we'll be meeting the prince today. Except you shall be meeting him in wolf form. He himself, shall be in human form. You will meet him ten at a time, and and when I call your name, you shall step up. The prince shall go over to you, and if he is interested he will change into wolf form. If he does do this, then you shall have five minutes to introduce yourself to him and get to know each other's scent. If he does not change into wolf form, then you shall step back. After all ten are introduced you shall leave the room and observe through a room with a two way mirror. Then the next ten shall be introduced, and so on. Afterwards, you shall all go to your rooms to prepare for dinner and then go eat with the royal family. Are we clear?" Everyone said: Yes ma'm.

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