𝟘𝟜 • 𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔹𝕒𝕔𝕜 𝕋𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕥

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Your POV

Dot Pixis made all the soldiers gather. Eren was standing behind the Commander, "Attention!" I never knew someone could yell that loud. He explained the whole plan to us. The elites were to protect Eren in Titan form while everyone else lured acted as a decoy and lured all the Titans to the corner. There were some cadets terrified out of their mind to face titans again. I wasn't going to lie after looking them in the eye, I was too, the thing that set me apart from them is harnessing that fear to strength to keep going.

"Anyone wishing to leave with can leave without treason!" Is he just letting them leave? What? Most people were also shocked too, soldier after soldier started to leave. He let anyone who wanted to just go and people started rushing away. I understand that they were sacred, but honestly, I wanted to leave to. I'm no hero, but the only family I have is here and I wanted to protect other families as well. The difference between me and the others is that  they a second thought. I, at least, could think of others.

After the speech everybody snapped to their positions, I was part of the decoy. I just had to lure the Titans but I also have to be hanging from the wall. There were already titans making their way toward the wall. Everyone else had fear painted on their faces but I kept my straight face. Annie thought me to do it in the face of danger.

Annie and I were partners in hand-to-hand combat, she just started training me about a week ago. I already knew she could beat me so easily. "Hey. Stop that." I gave her a confused look. 'What was I doing?' "Don't look at me like that. You are all stiff and closed in, your body and the expression on your face show that you are terrified." Was I really that easy to read? "Whenever danger is staring you in the face. Don't show it keep a straight face don't show anyone you are sacred. The first day you came to camp nothing phased you, keep that up. Don't let them see that they got to you." I nodded.

She turned around, "Good." She turned her head towards me, "People who show emotions just end up getting hurt. The most emotionless are most emotional, you just wouldn't know it."

I brushed the memory off and kept my eyes forward. I saw a green flare in the sky, they made it, now all that's left to do is to move the boulder. Come on, Eren, you got this. There was really nothing to do while hanging on the wall, besides hearing different people whining about being titan bait. I wish I could tell them to shut up. I look down and multiple titans trying to reach us. Ugly bastards.

A red flare? What happened? C'mon tons of people are risking their lives only to see a red flare. Eren don't screw this up.

There was word from the commander that we had to stay as bait, I did as told. An executive officer called me over, "You all have been choose to keep the titans secluded in this area. Here's the plan: we don't let any of these ugly sons of bitches wander out this corner. Focus on luring them here and keeping them here. Understood? Do not, I repeat do not engage them in combat unless you absolutely have to. I want you on the ground four cadets per team. When you reach the wall, jump, is that clear? Die and you'll piss me off. If by some slim chance a Titan goes astray, we'll put him down."

"'By some slim chance?' There's a pretty good chance if you ask me. Titans don't exactly follow protocol." Jean said.

"If we sense any risk, are we free to act on our own discretion?" Annie asked.

"Do what you see fit. Kirschtein Team, move out!" He instructed. Krischtein Team consisted of Jean, Connie, Annie, and me.

"Yes, Sir!" They said. We carried out or order.

I jumped off the wall alongside Jean, Annie, and Connie. Right before I hit the ground I hung onto a house. Okay (F/n) you got this. There were already Titans deserting the area, three of them started making their way towards us. We started running away on foot. I looked to Annie, she nodded. "Guys, cover (F/n)." She told them.

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