Goodbye pt.2

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Jackie's pov

It was Friday and no sign of anyone coming to my party yet. I've only realised the little amount of friends I've made. It's sad when I think it over. The time was 3:30 and I have to leave in ten minutes. "Hey, is the party over?" Someone shouted from afar. I decided to have the short get together, rather than a party, at the park.

Now that I look around, I was in the same place Conor had given me that pretty looking hair clip from our first date. Secretly I still keep it, not for the memories with Conor, but for the memories of my only good date. Sad, isn't it?

"Hey guys, what took you so long." I teased. I looked at their faces and saw that they're hiding something. But as of now, I don't have the time to figure it out. I looked at the time and saw I only had time to give everyone a hug goodbye. Ashley, Franklin, Wendell, my old boss, and Billy were all there to wish me off. After individually giving each of them hugs, I grabbed the one suit case I packed and hailed a cab.

Only five minutes into the drive later I found myself staring at the building before me after paying the driver. Hehe, I think that's going to be one of the last times I use this currency. Speaking of which, might as well catch up on some of the languages. I've got Japanese down, but I'm more worried about my Korean and then my Chinese. I remember I use to pracice other languages for fun when I was younger.

I wanted to make sure I had the plane schedule correct, so I went to go find the lust of schedules. I looked at them but to my surprise I see that the flight that I was suppose to get on has been delayed an hour. Might as well use this time to unwind. I looked around trying to find a specific food. If I'm going to Asia, it might be a while till I have comforting American food.

After about twenty minutes of chowing down on five deep fried chicken legs (what? Like I said, comfort food. Going to a foreign place can be stressful, but so worth it) I began to walk around again. I have roughly thirty minutes left, might as well go to an arcade, if they have one that is.

Conor's pov
Before the party

"Come on Conor, this will be your last time seeing Jackie" whined Franklin, attempting to drag me out of the house. But like I said, attempting. They've been at it for a couple of hours now, trying to get me to go see Jackie one last time.

After talking with my friends, I did find out that Jackie was right and that Cathy didn't love me anymore. But after our little fued and my outburst from a couple days back, I don't think I have the heart to see her. I've been the cause for so much of her despair. If I hadn't won that match all those years ago, her mother could've been alive, if I hadn't fallen in love with her, maybe she wouldn't want to go to Asia. If only I'd stop and think about her for once. But that's what I'm doing, I know me showing up will make it harder on her.

"Guys you only have a few minutes to see her, I will not go. Now go already before she leaves." I said sternly, they need to go see her. They've been her true friends.

After the get together

"Conor, we're back!" Hollered a high pitched blonde. I paused the game I was playing, Far Cry Primal. I know what it looks like, but I'm only playing it because I haven't yet after all this time.

"Down here guys!" I shouted back from gamers paradise. They all came down, but I turned off the monitor so they won't lecture me. "How was it?" I asked genuinely curious.

"Short" they all deadpaned in sync. They then gave me dangerous glares. "Because of a certain someone, Jackie was only able to give us all hugs before she needed to leave." Franklin explained.

"Plus she looked like she was expecting you there. When she arrived she was trying to see if anyone else was behind us."

"She wasn't expecting me, her and I got into a heated conversation the other day." But she did say she didn't want this to be her last goodbye.

"IDIOT!!!" Screamed Wendell. "Do you have some sort if brain damage or did you forget how much you loved her, saying hiw you wanted her in your life. Newsflash buddy, she's leaving your life again. Now stop being an idiot and go get her before its too late!" He finished a little out of breath.

I looked around to find the time. "You guys, it's 4:40 she's already gone."

"Not necessarily. Around this time if year when it gets closer to summer, it becomes monsoon season. A time of year with a lot of rain. I heard the flight had been delayed." Explained Franklin.

"Yeah, If you get going now, you might be able to get through security in enough time to catch up to her." Cheered Ashley

Do I want to do this?

I ran up my stairs and out the door with much haste. I do love her, more than anything, and I never stopped loving her. Cathy only got in the way and I fell for her trick. I love Jackie.

After security check

It was 4:45 now. I need to hurry. I ran all over the place, searching for her gate. The only problem was is she never told me where in Asia she was leaving. I just stood there in the middle of the pathways out of breath, the room seemed to be spinning. But something caught my eye. Someones long and beautiful blonde hair. I screamed at the top of my lungs "Jackie!!!"

Jackie's pov

I didn't know what else to do other than board my plane ten minutes before take off. I got all comfortable, finding my seat and all. But only a few minutes later I had a feeling someone called out to me. Probably my stomach from all the fried food, never had that much fried food before. I laughed at myself for my just thought comment.

But the more I became comfortable in my seat, there was an urge telling me that maybe I shouldn't go to Asia, that I shouldn't go to Korea.

But you've already told everyone that you were leaving, you don't want them to think you're chickening out now. This is what I've wanted for a long time now. This is what I need. A freash new start in a place where no one knows me. This is my fate.

Conor's pov

It wasn't Jackie, but rather an excited fan of mine when I ran after her. It's 5:03 and I'm too late. I look out a nearby window and see that a plane just took off. Damn it, that was probably Jackie's flight. After all this time, I finally see the error of my ways and try to make ammends, and this is how fate treats me? She was more than my fate, she was my destiny...

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