Chapter 5

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What happened yesterday was really weird. All of it.

The window breaking because of him was weird but the weirdest thing was when he licked my palm.

He licked it...and it healed.

I don't know what he is, but the fact that he can do that made the bit of fear I have towards him expand. I have to keep it in though. He was just trying to be nice. At least, I hope he was. I know the window breaking was because he was angry. Because I made him angry.

He didn't come to school today.
I turn around to look at his empty seat one more time. At least today is Friday and we don't have school this weekend. But not seeing him on the last day makes me miss him.

No one else in the class got hurt from the window breaking that I know of. Well, aside from one of them getting a minor cut, but that looks more like a paper cut than anything. She is just really dramatic about it.

"Jeni-ah are you okay? You seem kind of off today. Is something on your mind?" Shiyoung asks me with a concerned look.

"N-no, I'm fine." I smile.

"You keep liking back there..." she sighs, "you like him don't you?"

"W-w-what?!?!" I studder, "what makes you think that?"

"C-mon, I know that look. And every time he comes late and you don't think he is coming, or just when he doesn't come at all, you get a sad look on your face."

I look down at my desk without replying. Which encourages her to keep talking.

"I heard the rumors of the window breaking and you getting cut." She also looks down. "Some weird rumors about him are going around because of that. Most are saying he did it and then used the glass to stab you, others are saying that it was just the strong wind, and a few are saying the he is some kind of supernatural creature." She chuckles at the last one and grabs my hands, "but I don't see any wounds..."

"That's because I didn't get hurt. All those rumors are false...about him. It was the wind. He walked out because of something I said that made him angry, but he didn't break the window."

"Ahh, I see." She smiles. "But you do like him and don't deny it. I don't think it's a good idea. Especially if you want to maintain a good reputation in this school. People will start saying things...mean things...and I don't want that for you, but since you are my friend, I respect your choices...I'm rooting for you!" she forces on another smile. I could tell, it was obvious.

Even if she didn't mean it, I was glad she said it. Although I know he won't feel the same way. I will keep trying. I don't care what other people think or say, it's none of their business.

Back in America I was the most known girl in the school, in a bad and good way. Mainly because I would stand up to anyone and I was, am, extremely confident. I'll admit that. I have never cared about others opinions and I won't start to care now.

But maybe I shouldn't get too involved with boys and relationships. I worked really hard to get into this school, my grades should be my main priority. That can't change. I'm not just about to let another heart break bring me down, again.

"Fighting!" Shiyoung pumps her fist in the air and I do it back.

"No one even notices that he is gone..." I tell her and she nods her head in agreement.

"It has always been that way. I don't know why people hate him so much...well they don't hate him, they are just afraid. I am too. The jury didn't find him guilty, but just the thought of it scares us I guess. Besides he doesn't talk to anyone and he has a really scary look in his eyes," she whispers this last part, "and there is a scary rumor about his family too."

"What kind of rumor?" I ask. She has my complete attention. Shiyoung hesitates a bit before answering.

"I'm not sure if it's true or not, but they say that some type of creature runs in his bloodline."


"Yeah, a demon."

"What?!" I cause all the eyes in class to turn to us and I chuckle nervously.

"I don't know the details but that is what I have heard. I don't even know if it's true."

I laugh. A demon that's freaking insane. But...that would explain a lot.


"A demon?" Taehyung laughs over the phone. It's the first time I have heard him laugh this hard. "I am definitely not a demon." He gets serious.

I didn't expect him to answer the phone. The first 10 times I called him he wouldn't answer. I had to text him about the demon thing for him to call me. He really was just avoiding me.

"I'm just telling you what I heard." I state dryly. He should be able to notice that I am angry. He was avoiding me and I don't even know the reason why. I hang up the phone and put it to charge next to me on the nightstand. He knows I know what he is, and he also that I don't why...

I groan, whatever. I need to sleep. This is not my idea of a great Friday.


This update is also random but I'm trying to update more often.
Also, this raises some questions about what Taehyung might be.

Do you guys think he is a demon and not admitting it? Or do you guys think that that is ridiculous and there is no way? XP

Next chapter will be more interesting I promise (':

Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it and comment any thoughts or questions, I'll most likely answer ^-^

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